森林火灾的发生与当地的气象条件、火险期的天气背景关系十分密切,我们就内蒙古大兴安岭地区森林火灾发生的气象条件作如下分析; 一、林火发生的气候因子森林火灾在不同季节发生率不同,这主要与该季的气候条件密切相关,主要的气候因子有降水量、温度、湿度及风等。研究这些因子对探讨火险天气,林火发生规律,及制定预防规划等都是非常必要的。
The occurrence of forest fire is closely related to the local meteorological conditions and the weather background of the fire danger period. We analyze the meteorological conditions of the forest fire in the Greater Hinggan Mountains in Inner Mongolia as follows: 1. The climate factors of forest fire The incidence of forest fire in different seasons is different This is mainly due to the climatic conditions of the season. The main climatic factors include precipitation, temperature, humidity and wind. Studying these factors is very necessary to explore the fire danger weather, the law of forest fires and the formulation of preventive plans.