How to teach English to childrenShirley

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  The easiest time to learn a language is as a child. Children are developing some abilities (能力) when learning their mother language. These abilities can help them to develop skills in learning other languages. English is a very useful language to teach a child, and it is widely used as an international language all over the world.
  Try the following ways and you are sure to make it.
  1. Use songs to teach English to your children.
  Songs are a great way to get the language into their minds, for it’s much easier for them to remember the words while singing songs. Start with easy songs such as the ABC song. When the children make progress in language abilities, you can ask them to listen to other songs such as “Old MacDonald” or “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”.
  2. Use animated(动画) stories to help you teach.
  Children like animated films and television shows because of the bright colors and clear pronunciatio(发音) of the English language, which makes it easy for children to understand. These shows are very helpful for those non-English-speaking children to learn English. Many Children are interested in Dora the Explorer and some Disney movies.
  3. Use the Internet.
  The Internet has many sites (网站) which can help children learn English through games, songs and other activities. This will allow the children to learn grammar and words in fun ways.
  4. Encourage them to use the language.
  Children have to use the language as much as possible. It will be hard at first. However, if they use it often enough they will get to the other side quite quickly. They can also do this in person if there are English speakers or other learners close by, or over the Internet with millions of English speakers.
  A language is a social tool(社交工具) and you can’t study it well at home or even at school. One can’t help studying to improve their language skills, but if they want to speak then stop studying and just speak!
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