Yao Ming 姚明

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  Yao Ming (born on September 12, 1980) is a retired Chinese professional basketball player who played for the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). At the time of his final season, he was the tallest active player in the NBA, at 2.29 m (7 ft 6 in). As of 2014, he is the 31st tallest person alive.
  Yao, who was born in Shanghai, China, started playing for the Shanghai Sharks as a teenager, and played on their senior team for five years in the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), winning a championship in his final year. Yao was chosen by the Houston Rockets as the first overall pick in the 2002 NBA draft. Yao was chosen to start for the Western Conference in the NBA All-Star Game eight times, and was named to the All-NBA Team five times. He reached the NBA Playoffs four times, and the Rockets won a first-round play in the 2009 postseason, their first playoff series victory since 1997. In July 2011, Yao announced his retirement from professional basketball due to many times of foot and ankle injuries which forced him to miss 250 games in his last six seasons. In eight seasons with the Rockets, Yao ranks sixth among the leaders in total points.
  Yao is one of China’s best-known athletes. His rookie year in the NBA was the subject of a documentary film, The Year of the Yao, and he co-wrote, along with NBA analyst Ric Bucher, a book named Yao: A Life in Two Worlds.
  draft n. 选秀
  Playoffs n. 季后赛
  analyst n. 球评,分析家
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