八十高龄的老母一直跟着二弟在老家生活,前年我晋升为祖父之后,老母就一直想来我这里抱抱她的重孙子。今年春节过后,天气转暖,二弟千里迢迢送老母来我这里圆了四世同堂之梦。 一天,老母独自上街散步,喜孜孜地买回一盒奶粉给重孙吃。我老伴善解人意,当即打开铁盒冲上一杯,让老母亲眼看见她的重孙喝下她亲自买来的奶粉。但在冲的时候,发现这奶粉与往日买来的不同,没有香味,面糊糊的,怀疑是伪劣之货,我接过奶瓶尝了一口,呸,不仅没有奶味,而且还有一些细砂,大人
Eighty-year-old mother has followed her younger brother to live in his hometown, the year before I was promoted to my grandfather, my mother always wanted to come here to hug her grandson. After the Spring Festival this year, the weather is getting warmer, and my younger brother came to me for a long stay. One day, the mother walked alone on the street, hi diligently bought a box of milk powder to the grandchildren eat. My wife’s understanding, immediately opened the iron box rushed to a cup, so that the mother saw her grandchildren drank the milk she bought. However, in the rush, I found that the milk bought with the past, no fragrance, dough, suspected to be counterfeit goods, I took a taste of the bottle, 呸, not only no milk, but also some fine sand ,grown ups