Based on the data of villages in the traditional farmland of Zhoukou City, different village scale distribution models were introduced in order to test the fitting effect of different models to the village order-scale in order to provide a reliable theoretical basis for the village size distribution. The results show that: (1) Urban rank - scale law and village order - scale law belong to different distribution functions. In the simulated village order - size distribution, the village order - scale law is superior to the urban rank - scale law. (2) The law of urban order size tends to explain the distribution of villages from the perspective of urbanization, and often neglects the influence of other factors on the villages. The village order-scale law explains the development of villages from the perspective of villages themselves. ③ In predicting the future development of the village, the order of village size is better than that of city-size rule. The law of urban ordinance shows the change of settlements from a static perspective. However, the village ordinal-scale law can use the rate of change of village scale to characterize the distribution of village size. The essence is to observe the change of village scale with an evolutionary and dynamic perspective .