2016年7月21至27日,第21届国际比较文学学会(ICLA)年会在奥地利维也纳大学成功举办。此次年会包括7场主旨报告、120组圆桌论坛、1500多场次个人发言,共有来自世界各地著名高校的1500多名学者参会。今年年会的主题是“比较文学的多样语言”(The Many Languages of Comparative Literature)。这是国际比较文学学会的大会主题首次聚焦在“语言”这个核心问题之上。不同文化区域和不同语言文学文本的
The 21st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Comparative Literature (ICLA) was successfully held in Vienna, Austria, from July 21 to July 27, 2016. The annual meeting includes 7 keynote speeches, 120 roundtable forums and more than 1,500 personal speeches. More than 1,500 scholars from well-known universities in the world attended the conference. The theme of this year’s conference is “The Many Languages of Comparative Literature.” This is the first time that the theme of the conference of the International Society of Comparative Literature has focused on the core issue of “language.” Different cultural regions and different languages and literary texts