本会1992年1月31日于名古屋市召开,主要议题如下: 1.胃癌切端部的探讨(东京女子医大)按胃癌处理规范,当切端非癌部分通过肉眼观察>1cm、镜下>0.5cm时,应算作“切净”,而本组确有切端(-)者局部复发的病例;或切端虽属(+)仍生存5年以上者。20年间胃切除5103例中切端(+)者生存5年以上25例(局限性浸润形式);而切端(-)者局部复发42例(INFγ竟占26例),表明有浸润型倾向。2.BorrmannⅢ型胃癌手术的近侧切线的探讨
The meeting was held in Nagoya City on January 31, 1992. The main topics are as follows: 1. The study of the cut end of gastric cancer (Tokyo Women’s Medical University) According to the specification of gastric cancer treatment, the non-cancerous portion of the cut end was observed by naked eye> 1cm, and the microscope was> 0.5cm. At the time, it should be counted as “cut net”, and this group did have cut (-) cases of local recurrence; or cut end, although (+) still survive more than 5 years. In 20 years, 5103 patients with gastrectomy (+) survived more than 5 years in 25 cases (limited infiltration form), while 42 patients with local recurrence of excision (-) accounted for 26 cases of INFγ, suggesting a tendency to infiltrate. 2. The proximal tangential line of Borrmann type III gastric cancer surgery