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  假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Ms Jenkins写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。
  1. 词数100左右;
  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  I’m looking forward to your feedback.
  I think I can stand out among the applicants.
  Could you please help me to correct the mistakes in my resume?
  I’m looking forward to your timely feedback.
  Diligent and persevering, I think I can stand out among the applicants.
  Could you please help me to correct the unavoidable mistakes in my resume?
  (1)I would like to convey my gratitude for your selfless devotion.
  (2) , and , I think I can be qualified for this job.
  (3)I am a , and boy, which makes me adapt to the new job quickly.
  参考答案:(1)heartfelt (2)Kind, helpful, cooperative (3)friendly, easy-going, hardworking
  I will be thankful.
  Your attention to this letter will be appreciated.
  Therefore, I can put what I had learned into practice.
  I will be greatly thankful.
  Your attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.
  Therefore, I can flexibly put what I had learned into practice.
  (4)Your timely feedback to my request will be appreciated.
  (5)I am convinced that you are able to complete this work .
  (6)But concerning the heated competition, I am worried about it.
  参考答案:(4)highly(5)fully, perfectly(6)desperately
  I believe I could get the job successfully.
  I’ll be more than confident to apply for the job.
  I believe with your generous help, I could get the job successfully.
  With your great help, I’ll be more than confident to apply for the job.
  (7)I believe that ,
  I would do an excellent job.
  (8) , I would equip myself with confidence and spare no efforts to do it well.
  (9)I believe that I would have more chances to work for that company .
  参考答案:(7)with your constructive direction (8)With your timely help (9)with the help of you
  I can flexibly put what I had learned into practice.
  It would be much a great privilege if you could offer me a hand. Anything you could do for me is highly appreciated.   优秀句子
  Therefore, I can flexibly put what I had learned into practice.
  It would be much a great privilege if you could offer me a hand. And anything you could do for me is highly appreciated.
  (10) , the attached documents and the format do not seem satisfactory to me.
  (11)I have already written my application and personal resume, I don’t know if I wrote it perfectly.
  (12) you are quite familiar with these, I hope you can help me perfect them.
  参考答案:(10)However (11)but (12)Since
  I am desperately worried about it.
  I would be most grateful if you give me timely direction and help and anticipate your reply at your earliest convenience.
  But concerning the heated competition, I am desperately worried about it.
  I would be most grateful if you give me timely direction and help, anticipating your reply at your earliest convenience.
  (13) (take)a part-time job will enable me to gain valuable life experience and work skills, which I think lays a solid foundation for my further study.
  (14)Only by (show)an excellent application, can I give the boss a great impression.
  (15)I have the intention of (take)a part-time job in a foreign company in summer vacation.
  参考答案:(13)Taking (14)showing (15)taking
  I’d appreciate it.
  I’m well qualified for the job.
  I have scheduled to do a part-time job in a foreign company.
  I’d appreciate it if you take my request into deep consideration.
  And I’m firmly convinced that I’m well qualified for the job.
  As the summer holiday is approaching, I have scheduled to do a part-time job in a foreign company so as to practice my working and social skills.
  (16)I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience
  (17)I am a friendly, easy-going and hardworking boy,
  (18) (宾语从句)you can help me find out some improper words and correct the format of my resume.
  (19)Nothing can delight me so much as being a member of this company, (结果状语从句).
  (20)I would really appreciate it
  参考答案 (16)that it may cause you (17)which makes me adapt to the new job quickly (18)I sincerely hope that (19)so I will appreciate it if you could kindly give me a hand (20)if you could kindly do me this favor.
  Dear Ms. Jenkins,
  I am Li Hua. I am writing to ask if you could help polish my documents and the format, which are attached to my application form and resume. And here is the further information.
  With the aim of gaining some working experience and broadening my horizons, I would like to take a part-time job in a foreign country, and thus have already finished my application form and resume. However, the attached documents and their format do not seem satisfactory to me. Since you are quite familiar with these, I hope you can help me perfect them.
  It would be much a great privilege if you could offer me a hand. And anything you could do for me is highly appreciated.
  I am looking forward to your reply.
  Sincerely yours,
  Li Hua
  责任编辑 蒋小青
2020年3月20日,上海市公安局浦东分局接到报警,有个社区一居民家中起火。接报后,消防支队迅速赶赴现场,奋力灭火后,发现了一名身上有刀痕的年轻女性死者。  到底是谁,出于什么原因杀害了她?随着调查的进一步深入,令人嘘唏的隐情浮出水面……家有乖乖女:从小懂事听话令父母省心  朱泉泉出生于1993年,父母朱广勇和邹敏原本是上海市浦东新区彭镇的普通农民。浦东新区搞大开发的时候,朱泉泉的叔叔朱伟在当地创
为了实现自己的理想,刘桂芳对女儿步步紧逼,痛下狠手,直到女儿出事、丈夫入狱……此时的刘桂芳,又将会怎么做?女儿被逼疯  刘桂芳,辽宁省鞍山市人,和丈夫王旭本是鞍钢职工,双双下岗时,女儿王珏只有5岁,这一变故令他们这个本不富裕的家庭倍受打击。刘桂芳不肯接受这个事实,把全部希望都寄托在了年幼的女儿王珏身上,这也引发了此后一系列悲剧。  王珏出生于1995年,无论在外貌、身材、学习成绩,还是个人能力等方
夫妻老年后,免不了其中一个人会先走。断弦,续弦,是很多家庭面临的问题。作为子女,有的人为了父母的幸福,举双手赞成,有人则保持中立态度,不支持也不反对,还有的人,则如鲠在喉,难以接受父母另择他人。32岁的丁梦琳就属于后者,为了赶走继母,费尽心机……心机女儿:在父亲的黄昏岁月里作妖  2018年7月的一个夜晚,时年32岁的丁梦琳接到了父亲丁建国的电话,让她回家吃饭!  丁建国是安徽省合肥市一所大学退休
十年前,王伟因为自己一时心急害怕,竟害得姐姐被黑老大侵犯。从此,他埋下了要为姐姐报仇的种子。他会复仇成功吗?  目睹姐姐被侵犯,弟弟偷跑出来报案  2010年6月5日晚上,陈强正在单位值班,一个叫王伟的少年突然闯进来,“噗通”一声摔倒在他面前,哭诉他姐姐一周前被人侵犯了,父母不敢报警,他想尽办法才跑了出来。  陈强,42岁,出生于内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市,是一名刑警。陈强和同事火速赶往现场。女孩叫王
SPSS是世界上最具影响力的统计软件之一。综合考虑操作简易程度与数据分析效果,SPSS是帮助历史教师提高数据分析能力的最佳选择,本文具体采用SPSS20.0中文版。  一、数据的来源、录入  本文数据以桐庐富春高中高一期末历史考试为例。该校学生成绩在全县居于中等水平,其数据分析结论可推论至全县乃至全市。这是本文以其为数据来源的原因。  SPSS的数据录入通过数据窗口的变量视图和数据视图实现,有手動
一九九九年,人们所说的“冬天已经来到,春天还会远吗”的时节,我在湘西南喜欢一个女孩。  有一个下午,我走进奶奶家的木板房子,发现屋里真黑。灶台边却有一双很亮的眼睛。我问坐在一旁的姑妈:“这就是樱子吗?”姑妈笑着对小姑娘说:“叫哥哥呀。”在此之前我见过樱子几次。那时她很小很小,但是她的眼睛很大很大。我跟她说:“有一次在堂屋里,我轮流背着你和你弟,满屋子跳,像只袋鼠。”她咯咯直笑,又说,一点也记不得了
2021年春节前夕,陕西省西安市一家幼儿园舞蹈女教师在练舞时摔伤,在送医院后抢救无效死亡,医生临床诊断其死因是后颅脑骨折合并脑内大出血。  但死者父亲在查看事发现场录像时,却发现端倪……  舞者之死:那三秒延迟的不幸  2021年2月3日下午,一辆救护车带着刺耳的鸣笛声,飞快地驶入西安市恒源小区。医护人员从一所复式住宅内抬出一个年轻女孩,担架上的她双眼紧闭,头上裹着的白色纱布上洇着血迹,一个名叫田
2018年8月底,安徽省界首市郊泉河边发现一具漂浮起来的尸体。经确认,死者名叫王晓婧,其男友陈涛不久前因涉嫌一起大案被捕。  在泉河边见到面目全非的女儿,王晓婧的母亲痛哭着呼喊:“晓婧,是我们害了你啊……”悲切的哭声,任谁听了都会落泪。到底发生了什么?舐犊之情太粗暴:逼女作伪证强拆青涩恋  2010年7月的一天晚上11点多钟,安徽省界首市西城街道一处出租房房门被人强行撞开。一对少男少女慌忙在床上找
2020年的春节,安徽省一家县医院的急诊科护士林可,过得可谓惊心动魄。因为医院确诊了一名新型冠状肺炎患者……  新年变慌年:急诊室出现危险病人  我叫林可,是安徽省一家县医院的急诊科护士。2019年12月31日,跨年前夕,我们迎来了难得的清闲。科室主任与护士长一起将科室精心打扮了一下,整个屋顶都塞满了粉红色的气球。  我倚在门边望着大家洋溢着笑容的脸庞,也不自觉地笑了起来。突然,我妈给我发了条微信