【摘 要】
Metastatic disease from cutaneous melanoma can af-fect all organs of the body, and varies in its biological behavior and clinical presentation. We present the c
【机 构】
4th Department of Surgery, Athens University School of Medicine, eral Hospital,Rimini 1, 12462 Chaid
【出 处】
World Journal of Gastroenterology
Metastatic disease from cutaneous melanoma can af-fect all organs of the body, and varies in its biological behavior and clinical presentation. We present the case of a 58-year-old man who arrived at our clinic with acute abdominal pain, which, after investigation, was diagnosed as acute cholecystitis. The patient under-went laparotomy and cholecystectomy. Two years ago, he underwent surgical removal of a primary cutaneous melanoma on his right upper back. Pathological exami-nation revealed the presence of malignant melanoma with a metastatic lesion of the gallbladder.
Metastatic disease from cutaneous melanoma can af-fect all organs of the body, and varies in its biological behavior and clinical presentation. We present the case of a 58-year-old man who arrived at our clinic with acute abdominal pain, which, after investigation, was diagnosed as acute cholecystitis. Two years ago, he underwent surgical removal of a primary cutaneous melanoma on his right upper back. Pathological exami-nation revealed the presence of malignant melanoma with a metastatic lesion of the gallbladder.
一、扭曲云南松的分布在现有的植物分类学中,没有扭曲云南松(下称扭松)这个树种,扭松与云南松(指干形良好的云南松 Pinus yunansis ficuh)并没有生态习性的差异。但是,扭松
火炬树(Rhus typinal)属漆树科漆树属,落叶灌木或小乔木。原产北美,分布在北美东部,北起加拿大的奎北克,安大略省,南到美国的印地安纳、艾阿华。具有抗寒、耐旱、抗盐碱、根