【摘 要】
An epitaxial BiFeO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (BFO/LSMO) multiferroic heterostructure is grown on an LaAlO3 (001) substrate by laser molecular beam epitaxy,and its photovo
【机 构】
Key Laboratory of Space Applied Physics and Chemistry(Ministry of Education), School of Science,Nort
An epitaxial BiFeO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (BFO/LSMO) multiferroic heterostructure is grown on an LaAlO3 (001) substrate by laser molecular beam epitaxy,and its photovoltaic properties are investigated.It is found that the photocurrent is significantly increased under illumination,and the short-circuit photocurrent has a linear relationship with the laser intensity.Furthermore,when the ferroelectric polarization of the BFO layer is switched,the short-circuit photocurrent and open-circuit voltage can be switched.These results are discussed by considering the contributions from the ferroelectric polarization and the electrode/film interface.
We show theoretically that it is possible to optically control domain formation in a spinor-1 87 Rb gas.A model is proposed to include the photoassociation (PA)
In the paper [Chin.Phys.Lett.29 (2012)050303] of Hong et al.,two quantum secret sharing protocols were proposed.We study the security of the second protocol and
新学期,我接手三年级,上了两周课,发现孩子们胆小、不自信,回答问题时扭扭捏捏,声音极其细小。我班的孩子们,有的不爱洗脸,有的不爱刷牙,有的吃东西不洗手,有的不爱劳动…… 我喜欢孩子们好奇的眼神、稚嫩的小手,虽然他们有时做点“坏事”,可我还是喜欢他们。 怎么让孩子们乐意洗脸、洗手、洗澡、刷牙,爱上劳动? 每节语文课“课前三分钟”,我试着给孩子们讲故事。这是件令孩子们特别开心的事,因为他们是听摇
Financial ri
不怕苦 走上教师岗位,很多苦是避不掉、绕不开的,吃下这些苦,才能为以后的职业生涯奠定良好的基础。 有来自教学的苦:一、钻研教材之苦。必须下苦功去读懂、读通和讀透教材,摸清楚教材的编排体系和能力框架,教学才能有的放矢。二、精心备课之苦。备课不仅是要完成的任务、检查的常规,更是对自己的锤炼。只有在备课环节中严格要求,千锤百炼,才能获得长足的进展。三、决战课堂之苦。课堂是教育教学的主战场,必须拿出决
Significant differences among the doping densities of PN junctions in semiconductors cause lattice mismatch and lattice defects that increase the recombination