那些患上了“网络成名上瘾症”的网民, 想尽各种手段以求借助互联网能够达到一夜升天。“人怕出名,猪怕壮!”在现如今的网络社会,这句话已然成为老黄历了。网络给每一个人都提供了一夜成名的机会。“名人”是一个耀眼的光环,可以给他们带来无数的好处,甚至觉得只要成了名人,就可以涨工资、涨面子、涨架子;就可以骂这骂那、假装深沉;就可以妄自呲牙咧嘴批评社会。于是乎,一些人患上了“网络成名上瘾症”,他们想尽各种手段以求一夜升天的快感。个中手段之曲折离奇,简直是平生罕见。
Those who suffer from “Internet addiction” Internet users, trying every means to use the Internet to achieve overnight. “People are afraid of being famous, pig afraid of strong!” In today’s online society, this sentence has become the old calendar. The internet gives everyone a chance to become famous overnight. “Celebrities” is a dazzling aura that can bring countless benefits to them, and even think that as long as a celebrity, you can raise wages, upside down, up shelves; you can curse that curse that pretend to be deep; you can arrogant Ziya grins criticize the community. Ever since, some people suffer from “Internet addiction”, they tried every means to seek pleasure overnight sky. Mean twists and turns in the means of one is rare in life.