时隔两个月,我们再一次关注福州楼市,因为我们感到忧虑和不安。 房价又涨了!今年一季度,福州房价平均每平方米涨了122元!而近年来涨幅最高的2001 年,全年涨幅也才119元。 然而,房租跌了。业内的法则说,房租是房价的晴雨表,房租跌了房价就会跟着跌。权威人 士指出,一个城市如果房租跌了,房价却往上涨,那么这个城市的房地产市场就一定产生了泡沫。 福州的楼市是否存在泡沫?泡沫有多大?似乎没多少人在意。因为,市场上吵吵嚷嚷只有一 个声音:房价还会继续涨,涨是正常的!本刊2004年2月号曾特别就福州楼市策划了专题《榕 城地产火火火——火爆的楼市是否隐藏病因?》,试图引起社会各界的思考。然而,这个微弱的声 音被越来越多有关福州房价看涨的声音淹没了。 一份有社会责任感的刊物,理当对楼市走势做理性的思考和判断。在春季住交会期间,本刊 试图在一浪高过一浪的喊涨声中,再一次对福州楼市提出一些疑问,为的是给房地产业管理部门、 房地产商以及市民提供一种理性的思维方式,为的是让福州房地产市场健康有序发展。
Two months later, we once again concerned about the property market in Fuzhou, because we are worried and uneasy. Prices have risen! The first quarter of this year, Fuzhou prices rose an average of 122 yuan per square meter! In 2001, the highest increase in recent years, the annual increase was only 119 yuan. However, the rent fell. The industry’s rule says that rent is a barometer of the price of a house, and that if the rent falls, the price will fall. Authorities pointed out that if a city fell rent, housing prices are going up, then the city’s real estate market will certainly have a bubble. Whether there is a bubble in the property market in Fuzhou? How much foam? It seems that not many people care. Because the market noisy only one voice: house prices will continue to rise, up is normal! Articles in February 2004 had a special planning on the property market in Fuzhou, the theme of “Rongcheng real estate fire - hot property market is hidden Cause? ”, Trying to arouse the thinking of all walks of life. However, this faint voice is more and more submerged in the sound of rising house prices in Fuzhou. A socially responsible publication should give rational consideration and judgment to the property market trend. In the spring live trade fair period, the magazine tried to shout louder and louder, once again raised some questions about the property market in Fuzhou, in order to provide a rational thinking to the real estate management department, real estate agents and the public Way, in order to allow the healthy and orderly development of the real estate market in Fuzhou.