This article summarizes the clinical manifestations and treatment outcomes of hospitalized Hodgkin’s disease in our hospital from 1973 to 1978. The average age is 31 years old, 31-50 years old is the peak age at the time of treatment. The incidence of men is higher than women. The most common histopathologic type was mixed cell type (28.8%), and lymphocyte dominant type (21.7%) was similar to the data reported by Suzhou Medical College. The most common clinical manifestations were painless lymphadenopathy as the first symptom (88%) and systemic symptoms as 33%. The current effective rate in this group was 86.9%, and the median remission period was 4 months. The one-year survival rate is 74.1%, 50% in two years, 36.1% in three years, and 27% in four years. The three-year survival rate was 66% for patients who achieved complete remission, and 50% for four years. The 4-year survival rate for partially remission patients was 14%, and 85.7% for patients who did not respond to treatment died within one year.