
来源 :中国农村信用合作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tengyao2009
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农村信用社如何强化信贷管理,提高信贷资产质量,是当前信用社改革与发展过程中的一个关键性课题。为此,笔者对枣阳市吴店、南城、七方等三个信用社的信贷管理情况作了调查,以期探索农村信用社向商业化经营转化过程中强化信贷管理的新对策。 一、信贷管理工作中的突出问题 (一)基础管理缺乏稳定性。一是借款的自主性不强,借款合同要素不齐全。在催收贷款中,有40%的贷款户均无意向申请和正式申请,部分借据要素不完善,缺时间、缺利率、缺用途的现象屡见不鲜。二是借款主体不够明确。一些企业的分支机构贷款所签订的合同不具备法人资格,而有些借款人又帮人贷款或转换贷款用途,造成借款主体的不合理、不合法。三是对逾期贷款超期加罚息制度执行不力。从七方信用社20笔逾期贷款的抽样调查来看,仅有3笔执行了逾期加息制度,其他均未执行。四是信用社自身缺乏有效的信贷管理机制,制约机制及 How RCCs strengthen credit management and improve the quality of credit assets is a key issue in the current reform and development of credit cooperatives. Therefore, the author investigated the credit management of three credit cooperatives in Zaoyang, such as Wudian, Nancheng and Qifang, with a view to exploring a new countermeasure for rural credit cooperatives to strengthen credit management in the process of commercial operation transformation. First, outstanding problems in credit management (a) the lack of stability of the basic management. First, the autonomy of borrowings is not strong, the elements of the loan contract is not complete. In the collection of loans, 40% of the loan households have no intention to apply and formal application, part of the borrowed elements are not perfect, lack of time, the rate of interest rates, the phenomenon of missing purposes are commonplace. Second, the subject of borrowing is not clear enough. Some enterprises, branches of the loan contracts signed do not have the legal personality, and some borrowers to help others to loan or convert the purpose of the loan, resulting in the borrower of the unreasonable and illegal. Third, overdue loans overdue penalty interest rate system is ineffective. According to a sample survey of 20 overdue loans by Seven Credit Cooperatives, only 3 have implemented the overdue rate hike, and none of the other has implemented it. Fourth, credit cooperatives lack effective credit management mechanisms and control mechanisms themselves
品种来源 丰光一代萝卜杂交种是山西省农科院蔬菜研究所以4—01A萝卜雄性不育系为母本,国光一号萝卜自交系为父本配制而成的。1984年10月通过专家鉴定,1985年 3月由山西省农
据最近针对拉丁美洲国家投资风险评估的报告指出,1995年首季,巴拿马、洪都拉斯及尼加拉瓜等国投资风险减低,而阿根廷、墨西哥及乌拉圭等国则首次出现风险增高现象。 该项报