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清代徽州贤媛在吟咏社会、历史的诗赋中,表达她们对时事的感受、对民生的关切、对历史的认知,主要是:对乱世的痛恨,向往安定社会的生活;对世事不平的愤懑,对民艰的同情与济贫愿望,追求公正世道;对历史的浓厚兴趣,臧否帝王的外儒内法政治思想纲领,主张以智慧和事功作为评论历史人物的标准,在清朝民族压迫政策下流露汉民族情怀;讴歌历史上杰出女子,为女性争取应有的历史地位。 In the chanting poems and fu of society and history, the Qing Dynasty Hui people expressed their feelings about current events, their concern for people’s livelihood and their cognition of history. They were mainly: they hated the chaos of harassment and aspired to the stability of social life; The resentment of the people, the sympathy of the people and the desire for poverty, the pursuit of justice; the strong interest in history, Zang or emperors’ political and ideological outline of the Confucian inner and outer legalists, advocating wisdom and merit as the standard of commentary on historical figures, Revealing the feelings of the Han nationality under the policy; praising the outstanding woman in history and striving for the due historical status for women.