本文旨在对欧美有关东亚与中国研究的英文学术专著进行量化分析,通过介绍欧美关于东亚及中国学研究出版现状与趋势,使国内学者和图书馆员对东亚,尤其是中国学研究在欧美的整体状况有一了解,进而理解国外学者研究中国的关注点及侧重点。本文所用数据取自美国最大学术图书发行商YBP(Yankee’s Book Peddler)的书目系统全球在线书目信息数据库(Global Online Bibliographic Information),简称GOBI。文章包括文献综述、研究出版现状和趋势的新方法、统计分析及结论等部分。
This article aims to quantitatively analyze the English academic monographs on East Asian and Chinese studies in Europe and the United States. By introducing the current situation and trends of research publication in East Asia and China, the domestic scholars and librarians have made great achievements in studying East Asian and especially Chinese studies in Europe and the United States The overall situation has an understanding, and then understand the foreign scholars to study China’s focus and focus. The data used in this paper is taken from the Global Online Bibliographic Information, or the GOBI, of the Yankee’s Book Peddler, the largest academic book publisher in the United States. The article includes literature review, new methods to study the status quo and trend of publication, statistical analysis and conclusion.