国家科技部研究中心对“古诗文诵读”的评估报告说 ,73.1 %的家长和86.7 %的老师认为背诵古典诗文能弘扬传统文化 ;88.7%的家长和96.7 %的老师认为对孩子的修养和人格发育有好处 ;94.2 %的家长和100 %的老师认为对提高孩子的语言文字能力有好处。据介绍
73.1% of parents and 86.7% of teachers think that reciting classical poetry can promote traditional culture; 88.7% of parents and 96.7% Of teachers think it is good for children's self-cultivation and personality development; 94.2% of parents and 100% of teachers think it is good to improve children's language ability. According to reports