采用乙醇提取法、纳氏比色法、钼锑抗显色法及F-C法分别研究了人工引种于福建省漳浦、集美、泉港、连江无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)成熟叶片的生理指标:叶绿素、氮、磷及总酚含量。结果表明,4个地区叶片叶绿素a含量在(1.44±0.54)—(2.52±0.94)mg/g之间波动,叶绿素b含量范围在(0.54±0.02)—(0.94±0.11)mg/g之间,叶绿素a/b随着纬度的升高有增大趋势,表明随纬度升高无瓣海桑对蓝紫光需求比例增大;各地点无瓣海桑氮、磷含量均无显著差异,且N:P比值均小于14,表明均存在N限制;总酚含量随着纬度的升高而逐步升高,可能与无瓣海桑生长条件随纬度的上升而受到外界环境胁迫增大有关。
The effects of ethanol extraction, Nessler ’s colorimetry, molybdenum - antimony colorimetry and FC method on the physiological characteristics of mature leaves of Artemisia selengensis grown in Zhangpu, Jimei, Quangang and Lianjiang of Fujian Province Indicators: chlorophyll, nitrogen, phosphorus and total phenol content. The results showed that the content of chlorophyll a fluctuated between (1.44 ± 0.54) - (2.52 ± 0.94) mg / g and the content of chlorophyll b was (0.54 ± 0.02) - (0.94 ± 0.11) mg / g , Chlorophyll a / b tends to increase with increasing latitude, indicating that the demand for blue-violet light increases with the increase of latitude. There is no significant difference in the nitrogen and phosphorus content of S. velutina : P ratio less than 14, indicating that there are N limits; total phenol content increases with increasing latitude, may be related to the growth of non-Sangsang Sang Sang with the rising latitude by the external environment stress increases.