Industrial agglomeration is actually the gathering of entrepreneurs, and the entrepreneur is the product of the market process. When the labor force gains some accumulated knowledge in the original department, making the entrepreneur’s earnings exceed its existing profits, it will choose to establish a new enterprise and endogenous The scale of industrial agglomeration in a region. However, new enterprises will inevitably involve investment. If the amount of investment exceeds its own wealth, it will inevitably require financing from the financial markets. In this case, the financial markets play an important role in linking entrepreneurship formation and industrial agglomeration. Affect the speed of entrepreneurs and the level of industrial agglomeration. Based on such a path of industrial agglomeration, this paper first expounds theoretically the problem of endogenous industry agglomeration caused by the constant appearance of entrepreneurs and verifies the existence of this theory by panel data of 20 provinces in China, that is, the efficiency of financial markets The density of entrepreneurs in high areas is relatively high, and the scale and effect of industrial agglomeration will also be relatively obvious. This is exactly one of the incentives that cause the differences in regional economic development in our country.