在经历了MTH的痛苦之后,Intel推出的815/815E芯片组获得了很好的市场反应,多少挽回了一些面子。但作为整合芯片组,其内置的i752显卡性能已经无法满足现在的应用需求,于是Intel推出了去除显卡部分的815EP芯片组,815EP与815E的唯一区别就是去掉了内置显卡,其他功能和规格则完全一样,同样支持AGP 4X、ATA 100和CNR标准。目前已经有一些主板厂商推出了采用815EP芯片组的主板,昂达ID815EP就是这样一款产品。
After experiencing the pain of MTH, Intel introduced the 815 / 815E chipset has received a good market response, how much to save some face. However, as the integrated chipset, its built-in i752 graphics performance has been unable to meet the current application requirements, so Intel introduced the 815EP chipset to remove the video card section, 815EP and 815E the only difference is removed from the built-in graphics, other features and specifications are complete Similarly, AGP 4X, ATA 100 and CNR standards are also supported. There are already some motherboard manufacturers introduced the use of 815EP chipset motherboard, Onda ID815EP is such a product.