伟大的俄国化学家М.В.洛莫诺索夫说过这样一段话,他说“化学、将领导着揭露物体内部的堂奥,窥破它的秘密,使和微粒相结识”。近代化学正是沿着他指出的道路向前发展的。今天我们能对物质的构造有清楚的认识;今天我们有巧夺天工的有机合成工业;这不都是靠化学的力量吗? 但是,人类之有今天的成就,并不是很顺利,很容易的,人们走过漫长的、弯曲的道路。中间有向教会代表的神权的斗争,向矇昧主义,向
The great Russian chemist М.В. Lomomonsov has said something like this: “Chemistry will lead the revelation of objects inside, revealing its secrets and acquainting with particles.” Modern chemistry is moving along the path he pointed out. Today we can have a clear understanding of the material structure. Today we have a superb organic synthesis industry. Is not it all chemical power? However, the accomplishments of mankind today are not very smooth and easy. People Walked long, curvy roads. In the middle there is a struggle against divine right represented by the church, toward obscurantism, toward