高速公路上车辆超载已日益成为依附在交通大动脉上的毒瘤 ,每年对国民经济造成了重大的损失。超载的成因主要有 :车辆的出厂吨位核定值低 ,车主对车辆的私自改装 ;车主对超载与超限的误解 ;市场运价偏低。管理应从4方面进行 :1.对车辆的行驶证进行规范管理 ;2.路政部门和交警部门要联手合作 ;3.加快费改税的进程 ,提高市场运费 ;4.交警部门要加大查处力度。
Overloaded vehicles on the highway have increasingly become attached to the artery in the transport of cancer, each year on the national economy has caused significant losses. Causes of overloading mainly include: the vehicle’s factory tonnage approved value is low, the owner of the vehicle’s private modification; the owner of the overload and overrun misunderstanding; the market price is low. Management should be carried out from 4 aspects: 1. The vehicle’s driving license to regulate the management; 2. Roads and traffic police departments should work together; 3. Speed up the tax reform process to improve market freight; 4. Traffic police departments should step up efforts to investigate and deal with .