对郴州主产烟县(区)734个土壤样品养分进行了分析。结果表明,郴州烟区土壤略偏碱;有机质总体上较丰富,平均为42.30 g/kg,高于湖南省平均值;土壤全氮和碱解氮含量较高;全磷含量平均为0.93 g/kg,速效磷在土壤中的分布极不均衡,适宜范围10~20 mg/kg的土壤样品只占20.84%;土壤全钾及速效钾含量偏低,由南到北,由西到东呈逐渐增加的趋势。烟区土壤普遍缺硼,有91.28%的土壤样品低于缺硼临界值0.30 mg/kg;有效锌含量总体上较高,2~4 mg/kg丰富含量范围内的土壤样品占52.04%;有效锰含量高于20 mg/kg以上的样品占37.53%;有效铜总体上含量丰富,高于1 mg/kg的土壤样品所占比例高达79.57%;有效铁含量平均为87.23 mg/kg,处于极丰富水平。花岗岩发育的红壤含镁量很低,烟株总体上缺镁。
The nutrient contents of 734 soil samples from the main tobacco producing counties (districts) in Chenzhou were analyzed. The results showed that the soil of Chenzhou tobacco slightly alkaline; the organic matter is generally rich, with an average of 42.30 g / kg, higher than the average of Hunan Province; soil total nitrogen and basic nitrogen content is higher; the average total phosphorus content is 0.93 g / kg. The distribution of available phosphorus in the soil was extremely unbalanced. Only 20.84% of the soil samples in the suitable range of 10 ~ 20 mg / kg were present. The contents of total potassium and available potassium in the soil were low from south to north and gradually decreased from west to east Increasing trend. In the tobacco area, the soil generally lacked boron, 91.28% of the soil samples were below the critical boron deficiency value of 0.30 mg / kg, the available zinc content was generally high, and the soil samples within the 2-4 mg / kg abundance range accounted for 52.04% The samples containing more than 20 mg / kg manganese accounted for 37.53% of the total samples. The total available copper was rich in soil samples, accounting for 79.57% of soil samples above 1 mg / kg. The average effective iron content was 87.23 mg / kg, Rich level. The amount of magnesium in the red soils developed in granite is very low, and the tobacco plants are generally deficient in magnesium.