在施N90kg/hm2 ,供钾水平N∶P2 O5∶K2 O为 1∶2∶3的相同条件下对 57个不同类型烟草基因型进行植株伤流量比较。在施N90kg/hm2 ,供钾水平N∶P2 O5∶K2 O为处理L =1∶2∶0 ;处理S =1∶2∶3;处理H =1∶2∶5的 3个供钾水平下对 2 0个烤烟基因型进行比较。结果表明 :伤流液含钾量顺序为黄花烟 >雪茄烟 >白肋烟 >烤烟 >香料烟 >地方晒晾烟 >马里兰烟 ;不同供钾水平和不同基因型间伤流液含钾量差异不明显。基因型对供钾水平的响应表现不同。供钾量与伤流量之间呈极显著的正相关
57 different tobacco genotypes were compared under the same conditions of N90kg / hm2, potassium supply N: P2 O5:K2O of 1: 2: 3. In the application of N90kg / hm2, the level of potassium supply N: P2 O5: K2 O treatment L = 1: 2:0; treatment S = 1: 2: 3; Twenty flue-cured tobacco genotypes were compared. The results showed that the order of potassium content in wound fluid was yellow smoke> cigar> burley tobacco> flue-cured tobacco> local sun-cured tobacco> Maryland tobacco; the potassium content in intercourse fluid of different potassium levels and genotypes Not obvious. Genotypes respond differently to potassium levels. There was a significant positive correlation between potassium supply and wound volume