2002年11月23日下午,中堡财政所来了6个人,他们一笔缴了12000元的农业特产税。这些人就是该镇顾宏舍的顾万远兄弟姐舅。一提到顾家父子,村里人都称赞他们是群众致富的领头雁。他家父子两代与财政干部结成的农税情在当地被传为佳话。 中堡镇顾宏舍位于大纵湖东北边,是个只有两个生产小组、300多口人的小村庄。1992年,中堡镇党委政府经过充分地
On the afternoon of November 23, 2002, six people came from Fortune Finance, and they paid a special agricultural special tax of 12,000 yuan. These people are Gu Hongyuan Gu Wanyuan brothers and sisters. When it comes to Gu and his son and son, villagers praise them as leaders who make the masses rich. The agricultural taxation between his family, his father and his two generations and the financial cadres was passed on as a local story. Located in the northeast of Dazong Lake, Guhong House in Zhongbao Town is a small village with only two production teams and over 300 people. In 1992, the town party committee and government go through full