Corn leaf area loss has an impact on its growth and development, 2001-2002 were tested in greenhouse and field. The results showed as follows: ① In the greenhouse experiment, leaf removal treatment was carried out 20 days after sowing, and 2 to 3 leaves were removed every 14 days, which affected plant height, tasseling stage, silking stage, root and shoot yield without affecting Stems and roots and the ratio of aerial parts. ② In the field experiment, 6 kinds of defoliation treatments were done on the 7th day after the 50% of the plants were spun and all the leaves of the plant were harmed to affect the dry weight of the ear, the accumulation of dry matter in the grains, the grain weight per thousand and the yield; There was no significant difference in dry matter accumulation between ear and grain for all the leaves and all leaves below the ear; no significant difference was found between the above half of the leaves and the control.