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基于云南省124个农业气象站点1977—2010年逐日气象数据,采用FAO推荐的Penman-Monteith公式,计算不同时空条件下云南省烤烟生育期的需水量和灌溉需求指数,分析云南省烤烟需水量和灌溉需求指数的时空特征和变化规律.结果表明:研究期间,云南省烤烟伸根期、旺长期、成熟期和大田生育期需水量分别为76.73~174.73、247.50~386.64、180.28~258.14和528.18~764.08 mm,以旺长期需水量最高;平均灌溉需求指数分别为-0.02、0.38、0.17和0.26,伸根期有效降雨量可以满足烤烟需求.云南省烤烟需水量呈逐年减少趋势,各生育期需水量气候变化趋势分别为-12.42、-21.46、-7.17和-47.15 mm·(10 a)-1.各生育期及大田生育期灌溉需求指数最小的地区为德宏,最大的为迪庆;大田生育期灌溉需求指数是负值的3个地区为德宏、西双版纳和普洱.参考作物蒸散量、需水量和有效降水量随纬度的升高而减少,而灌溉需水量和灌溉需求指数却随纬度的升高而加强;有效降水量随海拔的升高而减少,灌溉需水量和灌溉需求指数随海拔的升高而增加. Based on the daily meteorological data of 124 agrometeorological stations from 1977 to 2010 in Yunnan Province, the Penman-Monteith formula recommended by FAO was used to calculate the water demand and irrigation demand index of flue-cured tobacco in different growth periods in Yunnan Province. The results showed that: During the study period, the water requirement of tobacco during the root growth, vigorous growth, maturity and growth period was 76.73-174.73, 247.50-386.64,180.28-258.14 and 528.18 ~ 764.08 mm, with the highest water demand in the long-term. The average irrigation demand indices were -0.02, 0.38, 0.17 and 0.26, respectively, and the effective rainfall during the extension period could meet the demand of flue-cured tobacco. The demand for flue-cured tobacco in Yunnan Province decreased year by year, The trend of water volume and climate change were -12.42, -21.46, -7.17 and -47.15 mm · (10 a) -1, respectively. The areas with the lowest irrigation demand indexes in each growth period and field were Dehong, Diqing The three areas with negative index of irrigation demand during the growth period were Dehong, Xishuangbanna and Pu’er.The reference crop evapotranspiration, water demand and effective precipitation decreased with the increase of latitude, but irrigation Water and irrigation demand index has increased with latitude and strengthened; effective precipitation decreases with increasing altitude, irrigation water demand and irrigation demand index increased with increasing altitude.
1 企业会计信息虚假的几种现象及成因1.1 主要表现1.1.1 原始凭证失真有的单位原始凭证填制不完整,不规范,甚至采取制作假凭证的方法伪造、变造进行"变通",以假充真使一些不