有机畜牧业就是在牲畜的饲养过程中,禁止用化学饲料或含有化肥、农药成分的饲料来喂养。当牲畜生病时,也尽量不使用带滞留性的有毒药品,以免人们食用牲畜肉类及其制品之后,有害健康。 随着人们生活水平的提高和对健康消费的追求,有机畜牧业在世界各地呈现出一派勃勃生机。有资料显示,近年来通过有机畜牧业生产的肉类年均以20%的速度递增,有机副产品的消费也与日俱增。从1995
Organic animal husbandry is forbidden to use chemical feed or feed containing chemical fertilizers and pesticide ingredients to feed the livestock. When livestock are ill, they also try not to use toxic drugs with retention so as to prevent people from eating meat, meat and their products. With the improvement of people’s living standards and the pursuit of healthy consumption, organic animal husbandry has emerged in all parts of the world. According to statistics, in recent years, the meat produced through organic animal husbandry has grown at an annual rate of 20%, and the consumption of organic by-products has also increased. From 1995