21世纪 ,对成人高等教育 (以下简称成人高教 )教学模式进行改革和创新已刻不容缓。教师要转变角色 ,教学目的重在务实求新 ,彻底改变教学观念的陈旧性、教育系统的封闭性、个性发展的受制性、知识传授的滞后性和学生学习的重复性。结合教学实践 ,从师生角色、互动关系、基本要求和改革要点四方面 ,剖析现行四种教学模式
In the 21st century, it is urgent to reform and innovate the teaching mode of adult higher education (hereinafter referred to as adult higher education). Teachers should change their roles. The purpose of teaching is to be pragmatic and innovative, completely changing the obsolescence of teaching concepts, the closedness of the education system, the restricted personality development, the lag of knowledge transfer and the repetition of student learning. Combining with teaching practice, this paper analyzes the current four teaching modes from four aspects: the role of teacher and student, interaction, basic requirements and reform points