
来源 :火力与指挥控制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vazumi126
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在航空航天的飞行器遥测试验中,大推力火箭和导弹飞行时,由燃气射流引起的噪声会对飞行器的结构以及载荷造成巨大的危害。电容式噪声传感器由于其频率响应范围宽,被广泛应用于飞行试验中。电容式传感器工作时需要用恒压源供电,且其采集的信号受到外界干扰较大,输出电压值不满足大多数模数芯片转换要求。针对以上问题,设计了恒压源供电模块和隔直分压电路、低通滤波电路等调理模块,使其最终输出电压范围在0~2.5 V,满足模数转换芯片的要求。该噪声传感器的信号调理电路可靠性高,已经成功应用于飞行器发射试验中。 In aerospace vehicle telemetry experiments, the noise caused by gas jets at the time of large thrust rocket and missile flight can cause great damage to the aircraft’s structure and payload. Capacitive noise sensors are widely used in flight tests due to their wide frequency response range. Capacitive sensors need to work with constant voltage power supply, and its acquisition of the signal interference by the outside world, the output voltage does not meet the most conversion requirements of the modulus chip. In view of the above problems, a constant voltage source power supply module, a voltage divider blocking circuit, a low-pass filter circuit and other conditioning modules are designed to make the final output voltage range from 0 to 2.5 V, meeting the requirements of the analog-to-digital conversion chip. The signal conditioning circuit of the noise sensor has high reliability and has been successfully used in aircraft launch test.
心源性猝死的发病率非常高,其中无器质心脏病,不明原因所致心率失常的死亡约占猝死总数的5%,其原因及发病不可预测,尤其凶险.目前已知长Q-T间期综合症、异常J波综合症及 Brug
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