By the method of high-temperature reactions in solid phase, compounds with the general formula MII(AⅢ2/3U1/3)O3(MII=Sr, AⅢ=Sc, In;MII=Ba, AⅢ=Sc, In, Y, Nd-Lu) were synthesized.Their structures(space groups Fm 3 m and Pnma) were refined by the Rietveld method and morphotropic transition in Ba(Ln2/3U1/3)O3 on the border of Gd-Tb was discovered.By means of high-temperature X-ray diffraction, phase transitions were studied and thermal expansion coefficients were determined.
By the method of high-temperature reactions in solid phase, compounds with the general formula MII (AIII2 / 3U1 / 3) O3 (MII = Sr, AⅢ = Sc, In; MII = Ba, AⅢ = Sc, In, Y, Nd -Lu) were synthesized. The structures (space groups Fm 3 m and Pnma) were refined by the Rietveld method and morphotropic transition in Ba (Ln2 / 3U1 / 3) O3 on the border of Gd-Tb was discovered. By means of high -temperature X-ray diffraction, phase transitions were studied and thermal expansion coefficients were determined.