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   [1] Connecting with others and feeling a sense of oneness with life itself brings lasting happiness. It’s when we give off ourselves we find ourselves. Here’re tips for permanent happiness, all based on reaching out and offering yourself to life.
  [2] Make a Celebratory Visit This is a special visit that celebrates what someone else means to you and what they’ve given to you. It’s a joyous form of thankfulness, which boosts(促进)mood and health. Celebrate with them the miracles such as courage, loyalty, kindness, wit or persistence of their life and their presence in yours. Your life has meaning brings a deep-down satisfaction that offers lasting happiness. One wonderful way to experience more meaning is to bring meaning to the lives of others by_______. You’ve something unique to share.
  [3] Forgive Yourself You’ve made mistakes. We all have. Going over your missteps keeps you feeling disconnected and unloved. Bring to mind an incident for which you were forgiven. Remember the good feelings and bask in them.
  [4] Be a Good Friend A good friend wants the best for you and is happy when something great happens in your life. Be that friend. Repair rifts in your friendships when possible. Rekindle(重新点燃) old friendships and reach out to them. Reshape your friendship networks to be sure your friends provide a supportive mirror for your own values in life.
  [5] Nurture Your Creativity Creativity brings joy, and the personality trait most linked to creativity is being open to experience. Encourage your creativity and try a different approach to a familiar routine in a new way. Anything that’ll get you in touch with your creative side and with others in the process!
  1. What does the author say about bringing lasting happiness according to Paragraph 1? (within 8 words)
  _________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
  Rebuild your relationship to ensure your fellows to supply a helpful reflection for your own living worth.
  _______________________________________________________________________________________________3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (within 5 words)
  _______________________________________________________________________________________________4. List three miracles of life to celebrate with others according to the text. (within 8 words)
  5. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.
  1. Connecting with others and offering yourself to life
  2. Reshape your friendship networks to be sure your friends provide a supportive mirror for your own values in life.
  3. teaching them skills of yours
  4.①courage②loyalty③kindness/ wit/persistence
  5. 激发你的创造性,并且尝试着用一种不同的方式,用新的方法来对待常规的事情。
一、考纲解读  物理实验为高考必考内容,近年的高考物理试题,越来越重视对实验的考查,尤其是除了对教材中原有的学生实验进行考查外,还增加了对演示实验的考查。利用学生所学过的知识,对实验仪器或实验方法加以重组完成新的实验的设计型实验,将逐步取代对教材中原有单纯学生实验的考查。
高一、高二两年的时间数学课程已基本告一段落了,但是要想应对高考这还远远不够,因此,还需要高三一年的全面的复习、拔高。但是,如何学好高三的数学呢,在此,鉴于我在高三学习的经历,我想提几点建议。    一、兴趣仍然是学习的助推几剂    高三一年的学习很必要也非常重要。很多同学面对茫茫题海,心里的感受怎一个愁字了得——“书海茫茫,题海无边,怎生长风破浪,力斩群题,愁煞读书人是也。”很多高三的学子都会
和谐高效思维对话课堂是在重视教学过程中各教学要素和谐、强调师生思维碰撞的前提下,最大限度地提高课堂效率,积极优化学生的思维品质,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。针对这种要体现“和谐、高效、思维对话”现代教学理念的课堂,应采用怎样的课堂教学评价策略,值得我们探讨。    一、和谐高效思维对话历史课堂的内涵及特点    和谐高效思维对话历史课堂的本质是追求教学过程中教学各要素的协调、和谐,强调师生通过心
[背景资料]  1.海地大地震:2010年1月12日下午16时53分(北京时间13日5时53分)海地发生7.3级地震。多家权威地质监测机构数据显示,地震震中位于(72.5W,18.5N),距太子港16公里,震源深度10公里。地震波及古巴东南部,当地震感强烈。至北京时间2月23日,死亡人数达到30万人。  2.智利大地震:2010年2月27日3时34分(北京时间14时34分)智利发生8.8级大地震,
介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,其搭配能力很强。高考中对介词的考查较为灵活,除了考查各介词的基本用法和意思区别之外,还侧重考查介词与名词、动词、形容词的固定搭配。因此,在日常英语学习中我们必须重视常见介词的用法及辨析,介词与其他词性所构成的一些短语,注意在定语从句中介词的使用情况。  1. Four Chinese models were_______the 14 people awarded pr
【写作指导】  同学们作文习惯于平铺直叙,往往见头知尾,见始知终。这样的作文总让人觉得平淡乏味。《李觉出身传评语》中说:“文似看山不喜平。”“平”,往往就是平庸,平凡,也就引不起人们的阅读兴趣,激不起人们思想的浪花,得不到人们的认同和欣赏。林纾在《春觉斋论文》中也说:“为文不知用旋绕之笔,则文势不曲。”叙事作文,要尽量写出曲折变化,也就是要兴起波澜,才能达到引人入胜的效果。那么,怎样才才能使文章兴
利用导数解决函数极值的有关问题,是导数应用中的重点内容,也是高考和各类考试的热点内容,但许多同学在解决此类问题时常常因为对有关知识理解不透而走入误区.  为了便于理解,我们先把利用导数求可导函数y=f(x)的极值的步骤总结一下.一般来说,利用导数求可导函数y=f(x)的极值的步骤可以分为三步:
研读近几年高考语文试卷中的“文学类文本”试题,不难发现,“作用、好(妙)处”出现的频率相当高。然而,由于出题的角度多变,“作用”的范围较广,这就使不少学生面临“作用题”时,对其“好处”或茫然无知,一筹莫展,或听凭感觉,任意作答。本文主要以2009年高考试题为例,就这类题型的设题角度和答题方法作探讨。     一、细节描写的作用    细节,是构成艺术整体的基本要素,是刻画人物性格、展开故事情节、构
《史记·萧何世家》记载了西汉时期著名丞相萧何和皇帝刘邦之间三件有趣的事情,体现了中国封建专制制度的本质以及政治游戏的潜规则。  第一个故事:楚汉战争时,率军作战的汉王刘邦多次派使者慰问后方的萧何。对此,萧何的门客鲍生提醒萧何:汉王怀疑你了。你应尽快将家中能够作战的子弟全部送到军中,以免除汉王对你的怀疑,并更加信任你。萧何依计行事,“汉王大说”(汉王刘邦很高兴)  第二个故事:公元前191年,已当上