Binswanger’s病(Binswanger’s disease BD)又称皮质下动脉硬化性脑病,临床以高血压、卒中和慢性进行性痴呆为主要表现。1987年以前主要依靠尸检病理确诊,随着CT及MRI的应用,使得临床诊断成为可能。近年来国内外对于BD的生前诊断产生极大兴趣,故本文根据最近文献的阐述如下。 1 历史回顾 1894年德国神经病理学家Otto Binswanger首次报告8例梅毒性进行性麻痹患者,将进行性痴呆、出现局部症状、脑动脉粥样硬化、好发于大脑白质的
Binswanger’s disease (Binswanger’s disease BD), also known as subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy, clinically high blood pressure, stroke and chronic dementia as the main performance. Before 1987 mainly rely on autopsy pathology confirmed, with the application of CT and MRI, making clinical diagnosis possible. In recent years, both at home and abroad have great interest in the diagnosis of prenatal BD, so this article is based on the recent literature as follows. 1 History Review In 1894, German neuropathologist Otto Binswanger first reported 8 patients with syphilitic progressive paralysis who had progressive dementia with localized symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis, which predispose to white matter in the brain