1月9日获悉,NEC公司宣布其IP多媒体子系统(IMS)平台已协助NTTDoCoMo公司成功推出PushTalk服务,帮助NTT DoCoMo日本的用户实现从W-CDMA到WiFi的任何访问。这一高度灵活的访问为IP应用程序和传统移动通信环境构筑了桥梁,使得运营商从中受益,这一灵活性同时还为广大固定用户和移动
NEC announced on January 9 that its IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) platform has helped NTT DoCoMo successfully launch PushTalk services to help NTT DoCoMo Japan subscribers gain any access from W-CDMA to WiFi. This highly flexible access bridges the gap between IP applications and traditional mobile communications environments and benefits operators, with the added flexibility of delivering both fixed and mobile