冬瓜适应性强,栽培普遍,产量高,耐贮藏,是夏秋淡季主要蔬菜之一。如采用地膜覆盖栽培可增产40%,效益显著,也易被群众接受。 一、选用优良品种 小型品种有一串铃3号、一串铃4号、早熟米等,667平方米产4000~4500公斤;大型品种有巨丰一号、车头冬瓜、粉杂一号等,667平方米产5000~6000公斤。以上品种部具有生长势强、肉质致密、纤维少、耐热性强的特点。
Melon adaptability, universal cultivation, high yield, storage resistance, is one of the main summer and autumn off-season vegetables. Such as the use of plastic film mulching can increase 40% yield, significant benefit, but also easy to be accepted by the masses. First, the selection of fine varieties of small varieties have a bunch of bell No. 3, a string of bell No. 4, precocious rice, etc., 667 square meters to produce 4000 to 4500 kilograms; large varieties Jufeng One, the front melon, flour mixed on the 1st, 667 square meters Production 5000 ~ 6000 kg. The above varieties have strong growth potential, meat quality is compact, less fiber, heat-resistant features.