例1,男,58岁。因昏迷、二便失禁数小时入院。患者于晚间饮白酒4两左右,自己步行回家,次日早晨家人发现其睡在地上,神志不清,大小便失禁,急送医院。既往有高血压病史,无糖尿病史,近期未服任何药物。查体:T36.5℃,P68次/min,R20次/min,BP165/105 mmHg,中度昏迷,面色苍白,颈软,四肢肌力减弱,无偏瘫,腱反射减弱,神经系统未引出病理征。按急性脑血管病处理,病情无改善。4小时查血糖1.67mmol/L,诊断为低血糖性昏迷。静脉注射50%葡萄糖60ml及
Example 1, male, 58 years old. Due to coma, two incontinence admitted a few hours. Patients in the evening to drink liquor about 4 or so, walking home on their own, the next morning the family found it sleeping on the ground, unconscious, incontinence, emergency hospital. Past history of hypertension, no history of diabetes, no recent medication. Examination: T36.5 ℃, P68 times / min, R20 times / min, BP165 / 105 mmHg, moderate coma, pale, neck soft, weakened limb muscle strength, no hemiplegia, tendon reflex, nervous system did not lead to pathology Levy According to the treatment of acute cerebrovascular disease, the condition did not improve. 4 hours check blood glucose 1.67mmol / L, diagnosed as hypoglycemic coma. Intravenous injection of 50% glucose 60ml and