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最早提出“国共合作”的是列宁。他于1920年7月在共产国际第二次代表大会上提出了著名的策略纲领,即“共产国际应当与殖民地和落后国家的资产阶级民主派成立临时的联盟,但不要和他们合流起来,必须无条件地保持甚至在最萌芽的形式下的无产阶级运动的独立性。”1922年1月,列宁在远东民族大会期间接见国共两党与会代表时,具体提出国共两党合作的问题。曾参加过共产国际“二大”的马林(荷兰人),经列宁推荐被共产国际派往中国开展工作,在中共“一大”后,为积极促成国共合作,曾多次向国 The earliest proposal of “cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party” was Lenin. In July 1920 he proposed the famous strategic plan at the Second Congress of the Communist International that “the Communist International should establish a temporary alliance with the bourgeois democrats of the colonial and backward countries but do not join them, The independence of the proletarian movement must be unconditionally maintained even in the most sprouted form. ”In January 1922, Lenin specifically raised the issue of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party when he met with the representatives of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party during the Far East National Assembly. Marin (Dutch), who had participated in the Communist International’s “second largest”, was recommended by Lenin to work for the Communist International to work in China. After the Communist Party of China made a big one, he actively promoted the cooperation between the KMT and the CPC. To the country
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