由于体现“价值理性”教育的历史教育在我国当前的学校教育中处于“小三子”地位,遂导致我们不少年轻人的人文素质正在滑坡,并日益显示严重的后果。仅以本刊曾披露的相当数量的中学生不知“七七芦沟桥事变”、“南京大屠杀”为何事到明星穿日本军旗服登台亮相、青年职工往重阳糕里塞太阳旗而言,这些状况激起了抗日老战士及众多学者的强烈的忧患意识,他们已在本刊撰文呼吁全社会重视历史教育。遗憾的是,这些呼吁没有得到社会足够的回应,社会上因历史苍白而凸显的青年人价值观的异化有加剧的趋势,乃至发展到今年连续发生有辱民族气节的丑闻。这一切告诫人们:如果我们再不重视历史教育,那么我们民族精神的培育将流于清谈。基于此,本期再刊发余伟民先生的文章,希望能得到有识之士的呼应。 ——编者
Since the historical education embodying “value rationality” education is in the position of “youngest son” in our country’s current school education, the humanistic quality of many of our young people is declining, which shows increasingly serious consequences. Only a considerable number of high school students have disclosed the publication of “Lugou Bridge Incident July 7,” “Nanjing Massacre” why the star wearing a Japanese army uniform appeared on stage, young workers to Chongyang cake plug the sun flag, these The situation aroused a strong sense of urgency among the anti-Japanese veterans and many scholars who have called on the entire society to stress history education in their articles. Regrettably, these calls have not been adequately answered by the society. The alienation of the values of young people highlighted by the history in the society has been aggravating. And even this year there has been a continuous scandal that humiliates the national integrity. All this warns people that if we neglect the importance of history education, then the cultivation of our national spirit will come to an end. Based on this, the issue of re-issue of Mr. Yu Weimin’s article, hoping to get the echoes of people of insight. --editor