Use of albendazole sulfoxide, albendazole sulfone, and combined solutions as scolicidal agents on hy

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scxs866
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AIM: To establish which scolicidal agents are superiorand more suitable for regular use.METHODS: Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleceswere obtained from 25 patients with liver hydatidcysts. Various concentrations of albendazole sulfone,albendazole sulfoxide, and albendazole sulfone andalbendazole sulfoxide mixed together in concentrationsof 50 μg/mL, and H2O2 in a concentration of 4%, NaCl20%, and 1.5% cetrimide-0.15% chlorhexidine (10%Savlon-Turkey) were used to determine the scolicidaleffects. Albendazole (ABZ) derivatives and otherscolicidal agents were applied to a minimum of 100scoleces for 5 and 10 min. The degree of viability wascalculated according to the number of living scolicesper fi eld from a total of 100 scolices observed underthe microscope.RESULTS: After 5 min, ABZ sulfone was 97.3%effective, ABZ sulfoxide was 98.4% effective, and thecombined solution was 98.6% effective. When sulfone,sulfoxide and the combined solutions were compared,the combined solution seemed more effective thansulfone. However, there was no difference when thecombined solution was compared with sulfoxide. After10 min, hypertonic salt water, sulfone, sulfoxide, andthe combined solution compared to other solutionslooked more effective and this was statisticallysignificant on an advanced level. When sulfone,sulfoxide, and the combined solutions were compared with each other, the combined solution appeared more effective than sulfone. When the combined solution was compared with sulfoxide, there was no difference.CONCLUSION: Despite being active, ABZ metabolites did not provide a marked advantage over 20% hypertonic saline. According to these results, we think creating a newly improved and more active preparation is necessary for hydatid cyst treatment. A concentrations of albendazole sulfone, albendazole sulfoxide, and albendazole sulfone and albendazole sulfoxide mixed together in concentrations of 50 μg / mL , and H2O2 in a concentration of 4%, NaCl 20%, and 1.5% cetrimide-0.15% chlorhexidine (10% Savlon- Turkey) were used to determine the scolicidalects. Albendazole (ABZ) derivatives and otherscolicidal agents were applied to a minimum of 100scoleces for 5 and 10 min. The degree of viability wascalculated according to the number of living scolicesper fi eld from a total of 100 scolices observed underthe microscope. RESULTS: After 5 min, ABZ sulfone was 97.3% effective, ABZ sulfoxide was 98.4% effective, and the combined solution was compared to 98.6% effective. When sulfone, sulfoxide and the combined solutions were compared, the combined solution seemed more effective thansulfone. However, there was no difference when the combined solution was compared with sulfoxide. After 10 min, hypertonic salt water, sulfone, sulfoxide, and the combined solution compared to other solutionslooked more effective and this was statisticallysignant on an advanced level. When sulfone, sulfoxide , and the combined solutions were compared with each other, the combined solution were compared with each other, the combined solution caused compared with sulfone. When the combined solution was compared with sulfoxide, there was no difference. CONCLUSION: Despite being active, ABZ metabolites did not provide a marked advantage over 20 % hypertonic saline. According to these results, we think creating a newly improved and more active preparation is necessary for hydatid cyst treatment.
随着素质教育的不断深入,教师越来越重视培养学生的创新思维。笔者认为,要提高初中生物教学质量,教师不仅要激发学生的学习兴趣,掌握生物学的基础知识和基本技能,还必须加强与边缘学科的联系,命名学生更好地理解生物学知识,提高学生的分析能力和思维能力。  一、加强与物理学的联系,发展学生的思维能力  在生物学教学中,许多生物学知识与物理学知识密切相关。如在教学《眼与视觉》一节中,如果教师把眼球的结构、功能和
我的高中坐落在东北的一个山城,有关于日后如何面对一切命运关卡的技巧,都在那里镌刻进了我的生命里。再回忆起高中生活,我更愿意把镜头定格在它的子集——最后的那三百多个日夜。  那一年,或许是我生命中最如履薄冰而博古通今的日子了。因熬夜复习而日渐严重的黑眼圈为我们的生活作序,冬天凛冽的寒风为我们的梦想加固,夏天闷热午后的咖啡为我们进行高考倒计时,而那些堆满书桌、塞满书包的习题则无声地为我们加冕。  那一
本专题专家指导:  李少梅:陕西师范大学教育学院学前教育专业教授,博士生导师,教育学博士。陕西省家庭教育研究会会长、陕西省学前教育研究会副会长保育与教育专委会主任,学前教育专业学科带头人。  新學期开学没多久,很多爸妈已开始为孩子的自主学习能力弱而头疼,诸如,作业要督促、学习要人陪、学习知识和技能依赖父母或老师的灌输,老师和家长推一推,就动一动,不然就没有学习的动力等等。究其根本原因是孩子缺乏自主
摘要:培养学生的质疑能力,强化学生的问题意识是新课程改革的必然要求,也是培养学生创新精神的起点。学生积极提问,既可以锻炼他们的思维能力,又能在发问的基础上探讨问题的答案,培养学生自主学习、主动探索的精神,有效提高学生的创新能力。  关键词:历史课堂教学 质疑能力   俗话说:“提出问题比解决问题更重要”。可见,质疑能力是学生探索未知领域、促进自主学习的重要动力。然而,形成质疑习惯和能力是一个潜移
逆袭的开始,便是调整自己的状态。升入高三,我们要做两件事。  第一件事是对高中前两年学习的经验和教训进行反思,思考自己在什么样的心理状态下达到过学习的最佳状态,反思自己在过去两年中有什么不良的对学习和生活有阻碍的地方,比如说拖延症、对阶段性考试的焦虑症等。  第二件事是接下来我们要具体解决的,就是要迅速调整到高三学生应该有的最佳学习和生活状态,为逆袭做好准备。  学习态度的调整:  高考真的有意义