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  Coaching greatness rests at the nexus of prolonged love, hate and respect.
  Every college basketball fan feels at least one of these things toward Mike Krzyzewski, and they have felt that way for quite some time. Most college basketball fans feel two of these, and many feel all three: Non-Duke fans love to hate Krzyzewski, but anyone who doesn’t respect what he’s brought to the game of college basketball is fooling themselves. It takes an all-time great coach to inspire all those feelings for so many years.
  On Sunday, Krzyzewski managed to reach yet another mileston as No. 5 Duke came from behind to beat St. John’s, 77-68, at Madison Square Garden in New York for his 1,000th career win as a head coach. After breaking mentor Bob Knight’s Division I record of 902 wins in the same famous arena in November 2011, Coach K is now the first in Division 1 history to hit 1,000, needing less than four more seasons to hit the benchmark.
  周日,沙舍夫斯基又达到了里程碑,5号种子杜克大学在纽约的麦迪逊广场花园反败为胜,以77比68击败了圣约翰大学,这是沙舍夫斯基作为主教练取得的第1000场胜利。201 1年1 1月在同一块著名场地上打破自己导师鲍勃·奈特的一级联盟902胜的纪录后,老K教练成为了大学一级联盟历史上第一个获得1000胜的教练,他用了不到四个赛季就实现了这个里程碑。
  “We were getting our butts kicked most of the game," Krzyzewski told Fox after the game. ”I was just trying to survive this game, which is how you get to a thousand.”
  You could call it an arbitrary round number, and you’d be correct. Krzyzewski is the same coach today after win No. 1,000 as he was last Monday night when Duke beat Pittsburgh for No. 999, and he will be the same coach when he wins No. 1,001 this week or next. Whatever side you are on in the Krzyzewski vs. Wooden debate for greatest college basketball coach ever, that shouldn’t have changed based on Sunday. His place in history is secure.
  But there is no reason to be cynical about an arbitrary round number, either. Winning 1,000 is something that no men’s Division I coach has ever done, and 1,000 is a significant way to emphasize the combination of one’s greatness and longevity. It’s just a number, but in this case one little comma further emphasizes everything that Coach K has achieved, because nobody else has it.   不过我们也没有理由对一个数字表现得那么愤世嫉俗。在一级联盟历史上,还没有一个教练取得过1000胜,而1000也是一个重要的标志,象征着一个伟大与长久的结合。那只是一个数字,但在这种情况下,一个小小的逗号只会让我们更加注意K教练已经取得的成就,因为还没有其他人取得这样的成就。
  It means an average of about 25 wins per season for 40 years, first at Army, then at Duke. It means that he has won 569 games alone in 20 years since taking a half-season Urban Meyer①-like sabbatical because of back problems and exhaustion.
  "The only practical solution is to become mediocre," Mickie Krzyzewski told Sports Illustrated after her husband returned to the Duke bench in 1995."That’s all we need to get rid of these problems. But becoming mediocre is totally unacceptable to Mike.”
  And it still is.
  Duke was mediocre in that first year back after his leave, going 18-13 and losing in the first round of the NCAA tournament. Only once since then has Duke lost more than nine games. Only once since then has Duke finished the regular season ranked outside the top 10 of the AP poll. It is possible that nobody will ever again match Krzyzewski’s remarkable run of consistent dominance, with a second act of two national championships and two other Final Four appearances in two decades that followed a first act that also featured two national championships and five other Final Four appearances in nine seasons. That adds up to 1,000 wins, four national titles and 11 total Final Fours, with more still possible.
  休假回来后的第一年,杜克的成绩很一般,他们取得了18胜13负,倒在了NCAA全国锦标赛的第一轮。在那之后的这些年,杜克只在一年的负场数超过九场。在那之后,杜克只有一次在常规赛结束后被美联社排到了前十之外。我们有可能以后再也看不到有人能像沙舍夫斯基一样,能如此持久地表现出统治力了。个人执教生涯的第二阶段,在20年时间里,他夺得了两次全国冠军,另两次打进了四强赛。而在个人执教的第一阶段的九年时间里,他同样夺得了两次全国冠军,另有五次打进四强赛。这些,最终造就了他的1000胜、四次全国冠军和1 1次四强赛,未来这些数字还有可能继续增加。

  "There is an end in sight," Krzyzewski told reporters after Sunday’s game."I’m going to be 68 next month, and it’ll end sooner than later. But hopefully not real soon.”
  There is no telling how long Krzyzewski’s career can stretch on. On one hand, he’s almost 68 years old, 40 years into a demanding, stressful, highprofile career. On the other hand, he’s approaching 70 years of age with a 17-2 team that’s ranked fifth and features Jahlil Okafor, the likely national player of the year and No. 1 pick in the NBA draft. Two more five-star recruits will join the team next year. In other words, there is no indication that the Duke machine will slow down anytime soon, despite Krzyzewski’s age, and despite the evolving nature of college basketball that he’s had to adapt to.   我们不知道沙舍夫斯基的职业生涯会持续多久。一方面说,他快68岁了,在一份高要求、高强度且高调的工作里干了40年。另一方面,快70岁的他掌管着一支17胜2负、排名第五并且有着贾利尔·奥卡福的球队,他很可能成为年度球员,也可能在未来的NBA选秀中成为状元。明年还有两个五星级的新生会加入这支球队。换句话说,尽管有着沙舍夫斯基高龄,尽管他不得不适应大学篮球不断进化的本质,但我们仍看不到杜克这台机器在短期内有任何慢下来的迹象。
  Sunday’s game appeared to be lost until the final 10 minutes, when Krzyzewski made another uncommon tweak, a week after a personal rarity in which he played mostly zone against Louisville to mask the Blue Devils’ obvious weakness, which is containing quicker guards on defense. The Red Storm had answers for Duke’s problematic defense most of the game, but Krzyzewski decided to play big down the stretch, packing in his defense with both star 6-foot-11 freshman Okafor and seven-foot reserve Marshall Plumlee playing to prevent the St. John’s guards from driving and protect the rim. According to kenpom.com, none of Duke’s 10 most common lineups feature those two on the court at the same time. But, on Sunday, the tweak allowed Duke to capitalize on its size and depth advantages as it outscored St. John’s 26-7 over the final 8:11.
  周日的比赛在最后10分钟前,杜克都呈现出了败势,那时沙舍夫斯基又做出了另一个不常见的调整。一周前,因为球队阵容问题,他在对阵路易斯维尔大学的比赛中用上了区域联防,以掩盖杜克蓝魔明显的劣势,也就是在防守中无法限制速度快的后卫。圣约翰红色风暴在比赛的大部分时间里都在针对杜克问题百出的防守,不过沙舍夫斯基决定在关键时刻起用大个阵容,用明星球员、2.1 1米的大一球员奥卡福和2.13米的替补马绍尔·普拉姆利堆积内线,阻止圣约翰大学的后卫突破,保护篮筐。根据kenpom.com的统计,在杜克10套最常用的阵容中从来没有这两人同时在场的记录。但是在周日,这种改变让杜克发挥了身高和阵容厚度的优势,让他们在最后的8分1 1秒内打了圣约翰一个26比7。
  Duke stays at two losses with a tough stretch (at Notre Dame on Wednesday, at Virginia on Saturday) ahead. The pursuit of 1,000 wins is finished, and Duke will continue to be loved by one of the sport’s biggest fan bases and hated by everyone else. Both sentiments are inspired by the respect for how long Krzyzewski has sustained a high level of play, with almost no dips in production. It’s an almost impossible feat, especially in modern sports.
  But after an initial rough start when he inherited a mediocre program in the 1980s, Krzyzewski has managed to overcome the fickle nature of expectations in this sport, keeping himself, his players, his school, the team’s fans and the media simultaneously happy with his output, even after over three decades in one place. It’s hard enough to have success and keep going in one place for 10 years without multiple parties getting sick of each other. It’s nearly impossible to do it long enough to reach 1,000 wins.

  In men’s Division I college basketball, it is no longer impossible. Nobody has ever done it, and it will be hard for many others to do it going forward, although Jim Boeheim (962) is close. But Krzyzewski is the first, and even if others do reach the 1,000-win mark, it is likely that nobody will ever represent longevity better than Coach K. Whatever emotion that inspires in you, it’s an accomplishment worthy of all the celebration.
深受欧美年轻人追捧的潮牌Skullcandy,于2015年第一季度在中国市场首度推出运动产品线耳机。源于人体工程学的设计,满载质感的外观结合为运动者打造的先进科技。放眼过往的耳机市场并不缺乏运动款的单品,但Skullcandy以全系运动产品线的形式呈现却是首开先例。Skullcandy不断致力于为运动爱好者提供最专业、最出色的运动装备,此次重装来袭的Sport Performance系列耳机每一处
约什·史密斯  1985年12月5日/2.06米/108公斤/SF-PF/休斯敦火箭  约什·史密斯在他的火箭首秀中交出了21分8篮板的成绩。数据很漂亮,但不可否认的是,这些真的是看上去很美。  首先,这场比赛中,史密斯的投篮只有21中9,尽管比在活塞时强了很多,但作为内线依旧不及格。其次,第四节后半段数次不合理的进攻,葬送了球队领先优势,间接导致比赛进入加时。事实上,这场比赛,正是史密斯在过去一
这里的空气中弥漫着浓浓的失望味道,和这座城市散发出的咄咄逼人的热度一样,让人绝望。这里是在菲尼克斯,一座位于沙漠中的城市,这里正在等待着尼尔·沃克的到来。  这是1969年3月19日,太阳在“掷硬币”①的比赛中输给了密尔沃基雄鹿——这关系到究竟哪支球队能围绕UCLA的卢·艾尔辛多尔(之后改名为卡里姆·阿布杜尔-贾巴尔)来打造光明的未来。  就在雄鹿和他们的球迷欢欣鼓舞的时候,茫然无措的杰里·科朗格
(丹尼·费里的评论)并不是瞬间就全曝出来的,所以一开始我并没有关注。我只是关注在迈阿密的事,我很高兴能以自由球员签约。  当我知道这件事曝出来后,和所有人一样,我的想法是,“还有谁在那?他还说了些什么?”当我听到接下来的内容后,我的第一反应是,过去我从来没有被言语伤害过,这次也不会例外。  按照从小我所受到的教育方式,我不会让别人的话影响自己的。正确待人,不让别人的言语或者想法影响自己,除非有关家
根据《纽约每日新闻报》报道,已经和说唱歌手French Montana分手的科勒·卡戴珊“正在寻找新男人”,并将目光投向了开拓者中锋罗宾·洛佩斯,此事甚至惊动了开拓者的官方推特。但随后卡戴珊在个人推特账号上予以了否认:“拜托了,不要传播垃圾流言了。下一个!!”而罗宾则表示:“我不是很确定这些谣言的真实性,但是我可以发表评论。我觉得,那些媒体就是想捏造一些有关注度的新闻。显然,他们会找两个在流行文化
肯塔维奥斯·卡德维尔-波普  1993年2月18日/1.96米/93公斤/SG/底特律活塞  波普已经做好了突破自我的准备。怎么说呢,至少这是那些7月看过他在奥兰多夏季联赛中,场均24分表现的人们的说法。  “我感觉比去年好多了。”波普说,“打满一个赛季后,我只是想专注于把自己的节奏慢下来,为我和队友创造机会。”  作为土生土长的乔治亚州人,波普先是格林威尔高中的明星,在高中,他场均能拿到31分8
罗伯特·考文顿  1990年12月14日/2.06米/98公斤/SF-PF/费城76人  拿下赛季首胜后的很长一段时间里,76人主教练布雷特·布朗每场比赛之后都要表扬罗伯特·考文顿。  76人赛季首胜,考文顿拿下职业生涯新高的17分;2天后,面对雷霆砍下21分;隔日,拿下25分,帮助76人再获一胜。这三场比赛中,考文顿每场都能投中3个三分球。布朗教练说:“他投得越多越好,他很擅长那些外线投篮。” 
斯蒂芬·库里的这篇文章开始于2015年1月8日那个热情的下午,我们是在非常友好的气氛中开始这一切的。  从奥克兰附近搭乘着Under Armour租来的巴士,我们一行人来到了阿拉梅达。包括我自己在内,我们这些人都可以被称作是篮球的内部人士——篮球记者,球鞋记者。圣约瑟夫圣玛丽亚高中(SJND)是我们这些人此行的目的地,当我们到达时,那些开心而守纪律的学生们已经陆续在放学后离开校园。  SJND是超
2013-14赛季后半段,在印第安纳步行者经历了一段失望的日子后,埃文·特纳让所有人都大吃了一惊,他选择了一支正在重建的球队。因为,他也想要重建自己。  这名26岁的球员在9月与凯尔特人签下了两年合同,而且他很快就成为了波士顿阵容中最重要的一枚棋子。本赛季,他场均能得到9.2分3.9助攻3.4篮板。而更重要的是,在经过步行者和76人的挣扎后,特纳如今变得更加安静。  “我不知道这一切到底是怎么发生