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清代《多续译语》中的藏文和注音汉字有语音对应关系,通过与注音汉字的比较,可以推测藏文符号的音变规律。这些音变规律在今藏语康方言中仍有反映,加之历史文化背景方面的辅证,推测《多续译语》中的藏文以藏语康方言读音为基础。藏文符号的音读特征体现了18世纪中期藏语康方言的语音面貌,对藏语语音史研究具有重要意义。 There is a phonetic correspondence between Tibetan and Phonetic Chinese in “Multi-Continued Translation” in the Qing Dynasty. By comparing with Chinese phoneticized characters, we can infer the phonetic variation law of Tibetan symbols. These phonetic changes are still reflected in Tibetan dialects of today. In addition to the supporting documents in the historical and cultural backgrounds, it is speculated that the Tibetan in Multi-Continued Translation is based on Tibetan dialects. Tone reading characteristics of Tibetan symbols embody the phonetic features of Tibetan Kang Dialects in the mid-18th century and are of great significance to the study of Tibetan phonetic history.
语言中声音与意义之间是否具有某种意义上的联系?这是一直引起人们兴趣和探讨的问题.Blasi,Wichmann,Hammarstr(o)m,Stadler & Christiansen等最近在科学研究三大名刊之一的