北京,我来了! 提着轱辘旅行包走出北京火车站,孙初站在北京的蓝天下,忍不住豪气万千地在心里吼了一句:北京,我来了! 1996年夏天,孙初长发飘飘,意气风发。不久前他刚在家乡的政协礼堂举办了个人画展,报纸电视争相报道,画展轰动一时,画作被地方名流们哄抢一空。年轻的孙初觉得那个小地方再也容不下自己,他四处联系进修的名额,打起背包就赶往北京。
Beijing, I came! Carrying a wheel travel bag out of Beijing Railway Station, Sun early in Beijing’s blue sky, could not help but pride Thousands roared in my heart: Beijing, I came! The summer of 1996, Long hair fluttering, high-spirited. Not long ago, he just held a solo exhibition in the CPPCC Auditorium in his hometown. Newspapers and television contested reports that the exhibition was a sensation and the paintings were looted by local celebrities. The young Sun Chu felt that little place can no longer tolerate himself, he joined the training places, playing backpack rushed to Beijing.