一、问题的提出 1992年,党的十四大正式提出在我国建立社会主义市场经济体制的战略任务以后,我国法学界见仁见智,针对社会主义计划经济向社会主义市场经济转型中一系列新的法学问题,展开热烈的讨论。 在此过程中,英国著名的历史法学家梅茵(Sir Henry Maine,1822——1888)一百多年前提出的“进步社会的运动,迄今为止,是一个从身份到契约的运动”的公式,重新唤起不少学者们的兴趣,并在各自的论著里加以援用和发挥。与这一公式相关的观点,举其要者如:有的同志认为,我国的计划经济(产品经济)到市场经济(商品经济)的转型,就是从身份关系到契约关
First, the issue raised In 1992, the 14th CPC National Congress formally proposed in our country to establish a socialist market economic system after the strategic task, the legal community in China a matter of opinion, for socialist planned economy to socialist market economy in a series of new jurisprudence Questions, start a lively discussion. In the process, the famous “progressive social movement by far, a movement from identity to contract” put forward by Sir Henry Maine (1822-1888), a famous British historian of law, , Rekindled the interest of many scholars, and in their respective works to be used and play. The viewpoints related to this formula are as follows: Some comrades think that the transition from a planned economy (product economy) to a market economy (commodity economy) in our country is from identity-related to contractual relations