赤足木蜂(Xylocopa rufipes Sm.)属膜翅目木蜂科,群众叫“蛀木虫”。在我国南方蛀害屋檐上的桁梁和栓皮(即瓦下梁上的木板),损失很大。 一、为害情况 此蜂主要钻蛀桁梁和栓皮,并兼食植物花粉折断花柱造成不实。桁梁和栓皮被蛀后,外表有中指大小的圆孔,一般一根桁梁有孔5—10个,多至数十近百。据在奉新县罗坊公社、上付公社和仰山公社六个大队
Xylocopa rufipes Sm. Belongs to the genus Hymenoptera, the group called “woodworm.” Truss beams and corks on the eaves eroded in southern China (that is, the planks on the tile under the beams) suffered a great loss. First, the damage situation This bee mainly drilled truss girders and cork, and eating plants caused by broken styles of pollen. Truss girders and cork were moth-eaten, the appearance of the size of the middle finger hole, a truss generally 5-10 holes, up to tens of dozens. According to Luofang Commune in Fengxin County, six brigades were paid to the commune and Yangshan commune