刘贤义同志于一九八三年十二月十四日因病医治无效,不幸逝世,终年六十九岁. 刘贤义同志是河北省蠡县人,一九三○年四月参加中国共产党,一九三一年参加由党所领导的高蠡暴动,一九三七年十月以后,积极参加抗日战争和解放战争,历任区长,代理县长,党组书记,冀中第九专署党组成员、秘书主任,南下后任支队参谋长.新中国成立后,任皖南行署办公室主任、水利局局长,安徽省水利厅厅长,鞍山冶金地质分局局长,陕西冶金工业局局长,西北冶金地质勘探公司党委书记兼经理等职. 刘贤义同志在几十年的革命历程中,对党无限忠诚,对党的事业兢兢业业,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已.他的崇高的革命精神,赢得了广大干部
Comrade Liu Xianyi died on December 14, 1983 due to invalid medical treatment. He died 69 years old. Comrade Liu Xianyi was a member of Jixian County of Hebei Province. In April 1930, he joined the Communist Party of China. In the third year of the year, he participated in party-led Gaochun riots. After October 1937, he actively participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and Liberation War. He served as the district chief, acting county governor, secretary of the party group, member of the Ninth Party Committee of the Suizhong agency, and secretary. Director, Nan Xia served as the Chief of Staff of the Detachment. After the founding of New China, he served as the Director of the Office of the Executive Office of the South of Gansu Province, Director of the Water Conservancy Bureau, Director of the Department of Water Resources of Anhui Province, Director of the Anshan Metallurgical Geological Bureau, Director of the Shaanxi Metallurgical Industry Bureau, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Northwestern Metallurgical Geological Exploration Company. Manager and other positions. Comrade Liu Xianyi has been infinitely loyal to the party during the decades of revolution and has been concentrating on the cause of the party. He has worked hard and died. His lofty revolutionary spirit has won the majority of cadres.