中国工业化的历程表现在经历了三次道路选择 ,即 :2 0世纪 5 0年代选择的以“单一公有制”为基础的“优先发展重工业”道路 ;80年代选择的以“改革开放”为基础的“外延型全面发展”道路 ;世纪之交选择的以社会主义市场经济为基础的“新型工业化”道路。这种历史性的选择 ,既是特定环境和经济发展阶段的产物 ,同时也反映出党和政府对我国工业化道路认识不断深化的过程。
The course of China’s industrialization is characterized by three road choices: the “priority development of heavy industry” based on “unitary public ownership” selected in the 1950s; the selection of “reform and opening up” as the basis for the “ Epitaxial-type all-round development ”at the turn of the century; the“ new-type industrialization ”path based on the socialist market economy as selected at the turn of the century. This historic choice is not only a product of a specific environment and stage of economic development, but also reflects the deepening of the party and the government’s understanding of China’s industrialization.