龙泉宝剑,闻名遐迩,剑厂众多,谁家最佳,却鲜为人知。 一天,龙泉市委周小姐陪同笔者来到了仰慕已久的龙泉宝剑厂。厂长刘剑是位英俊潇洒的青年,一提铸剑之事,滔滔不绝,如数家珍。 龙泉宝剑的历史,可追溯到2600多年前的春秋战国时期。当时,越国南方福建闽侯县的山坳里,住着一对身怀铸剑绝技的夫妇——欧冶子和卞翠风,他们踏遍祖国名川大山,寻访铸剑宝地,发现龙泉县龙渊镇最为理想。龙渊镇的秦南溪山麓,层峦迭嶂,怪石嵯峨,苍松修竹,飞瀑直泻,鸟语花香。山下右侧有一泓池水,清流见底,游鱼可数;左侧有七眼深
Longquan sword, famous, numerous sword factory, who the best, but little-known. One day, Miss Zhou Longquan Municipal Committee accompanied by the author came to admire Longquan sword factory. Director Liu Jian is a handsome young man, mentioning the sword of the matter, endless, such as a few hometown. Longquan sword history, dating back more than 2,600 years ago, the Spring and Autumn Period. At that time, the more southern Fujian Fujian Minhou County in the cove, live with a pair of swords stunts couples - Ou Ye Zi and Bian Cuifeng, they traveled the motherland Sichuan mountains, looking for cast sword treasure land and found Longquan Longquan County town ideal. Longyuan Qin Nanxi foothills, Luan Diego Diego, rocky Sagittarius, Picasso bamboo, waterfall straight diarrhea, birds of paradise. There is a pool of water on the right side of the mountain, clear bottom, a few fish; left seven eyes deep