Catalytic perfomance of rhodium chalcogen halides and rhodium chalcogenides over silica supports in

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaczxxzx
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The gas phase methane oxidative carbonylation was studied in the presence of molecular oxygen over silica materials including their mechanical mixtures with rhodium chalcogen chlorides obtained in non-aqueous inorganic media. The formation of Rh4 SCl7,Rh4S9Cl2,Rh4Se5Cl3 and Rh3Se3 Cl solids was confirmed by elemental analysis,IR absorption spectroscopy,XPS and X-ray diffraction. Silica,vanadium-,and molybdenum-containing mesoporous molecular sieves have been used as supports. It was found that productivity of oxygenates(methanol,methyl acetate and acetic acid) depends mainly on the method of the catalyst preparation and the type of the support. The gas phase methane oxidative carbonylation was studied in the presence of molecular oxygen over silica materials including their mechanical mixtures with rhodium chalcogen chlorides obtained in non-aqueous inorganic media. The formation of Rh4 SCl7, Rh4S9Cl2, Rh4Se5Cl3 and Rh3Se3 Clods was confirmed by elemental analysis, IR absorption spectroscopy, XPS and X-ray diffraction. Silica, vanadium-, and molybdenum-containing mesoporous molecular sieves have been used as supports. It was found that productivity of oxygenates (methanol, methyl acetate and acetic acid) depends mainly on the method of the catalyst preparation and the type of the support.
目的 分析肝源性糖尿病的临床特征,比较其与原发性糖尿病的差异.方法 对2000年1月至2009年12月湖南省岳阳市一人民医院49例肝源性糖尿病患者(观察组)及50例原发性糖尿病患者(对照组)的临床资料进行回顾性分析,比较血糖、肝酶、总胆红素和白蛋白检测值的差异.结果 观察组49例肝源性糖尿病患者中31例(63.3%)为丙型肝炎,18例(36.7%)为乙型肝炎;30例(61.2%)为肝硬化;3例(6
舱门安全性分析的结果对飞机设计部门和航空公司都有很大的实际意义,同时考虑到舱门的设计必须符合C C A R25部相关规章的安全性要求,必须对各舱门系统开展安全性实用分析方
20010201 非铁基体上的化学镀镍 ——李宁. 电镀与环保(双月刊), 2000,20(6):1rn  综述了近十年来非铁基体上的化学镀镍基合金技术的发展状况,特别是轻金属铝、镁、钛及 其合
目的 探讨不同剂量中波紫外线(UVB)照射培养的HaCaT细胞后不同时间点对p62、Beclin-1、Atg12和Atg3蛋白表达水平的调控效应.方法 使用4.5、10和50 J/cm2 UVB照射HaCaT细胞,照射后加入新鲜培养基继续培养4h和12 h,同时设相同处理但不照射UVB的细胞为对照细胞.另设观察组,在照射后立即(包括对照细胞),使用含蛋白酶抑制剂E64D(10 μg/L)和胃酶抑素
目的 探讨不同剂量碘帕醇对糖尿病患者肾功能的影响.方法 入选148例行冠状动脉造影或经皮冠状动脉介入(PCI)治疗的糖尿病患者,根据对比剂的使用量,分为低剂量组(<100 ml),中剂量组(100~200 ml)和高剂量组(>200 ml).术前及术后72 h检测患者血清肌酐浓度;分析不同剂量对比剂对血清肌酐水平、估测肌酐清除率(eGFR)的影响及年龄、性别和eGFR、低密度脂蛋白、血压水平等因素