Three Shining Bands of the Past巡礼老乐队,光芒不久违

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  Music plays an indispensable role in our life. It can change our mood, uplift our spirit and even sublimate our emotions. As for band, a kind of performer of music, have you ever heard of some bands such as the Beatles, the Monkees and the Eagles? Today, let’s give a glimpse of these three bands.
  The Beatles
  The Beatles is undoubtedly one of the most successful and most influential bands in the history of pop music. The four young handsome men, named John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, got together from 1962 to 1970 and created a new era, ending the English men’s admiration for Elvis Presley.
  Rooted in skiffle, beat and 1950s rock and roll, the Beatles experimented with several genres, ranging from pop ballads and Indian music to psychedelic and hard rock, often incorporating classical elements in innovative ways. In a few years, the Beatles’ music conquered the whole world and stirred up Beatlemania. Such mania was so strong that the Beatles finally stopped many concerts in order to live quieter lives.
  The Beatles broke up in 1970. From the founding to break-up, the band existed just 10 years. Despite its short life-span, its influence was profound. As a cultural icon, and an inspiration to thousands of musicians who followed in their footsteps, the Beatles is as fresh as ever in minds of thousands of people.
  披头士乐队于1970 年解散。从成立到解散,这支乐队存在仅仅十年的时间,但是尽管生命短暂,其影响却异常深远。作为文化偶像,披头士乐队鼓舞着成千上万的追随其足迹的音乐人。它在很多人心中从未褪色。
  (资料信息参考来源: 13006)
  The Monkees
  The Monkees got formed in a unique way. A TV show needed four musicians to play jokes on each other as well as play some music of the Beatles. Sadly, TV could only find one who was good enough. In this way, a musician named Dave Jones and three actors, namely Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork and Michael Nesmith, got together and formed the Monkees.
  During the broadcasts, the actors just pretended to sing. However, their performances were humorous enough and they won lots of fans. And their fans even formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them. After a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band. Then they produced their own records and started touring and playing their own music.   So unique and inspiring was this band’s development that its story was written and compiled into Student’s Book 2 of New Senior English For China (2007 version published by People’s Education Press). The passage, on the page 34, is titled The Band That Wasn’t.
  The Eagles
  The Eagles was formed in 1971. Four young men, Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Bernie Leadon, and Randy Meisner had a modest beginning to pursue their music dream. They just served as accompany band for Linda Ronstadt, a pretty popular female singer at that time, and even Bob Dylan, Nobel Prize winner in literature in 2016.
  In 1976, the Eagles produced their unprecedented masterpiece Hotel California. The album became a blockbuster immediately and maintained the first position in the charts for 8 weeks. The song Hotel California became the peak work of the Eagles, and became the very substance and texture of the band. It, as a metaphor against materialism, touched on many themes, including insanity, innocence, danger, temptation and transient nature of fame, etc.
  Times and attitudes quickly change. Now the Eagles is out of sight. However, their songs, especially the Hotel California, still echo in pubs, clubs and streets, bringing us to that time of confusion. Where there is a song sealing a time, there is value of its band.
  In the bright music sky, these aged bands are just some bright stars. With time going by, some of them become dimmed, and some of them disappear. However, their spirit of keeping pace with time, their persistence in pursuing their dream just resemble the moonlight, bright and eternal forever. It is these personalities that we can learn from these aged bands.   在音乐的璀璨天空里,这些老牌乐队曾是明亮的星斗。随着时间推移,他们或许暗淡,或许消逝,可是他们与时代共舞俱进的精神,与梦想牵手前行的坚持,恰如皎洁的月光,不朽永恒。我想,这也是我們能够从这些老牌乐队身上学到的东西。
  1. Which of the following sayings about the Beatles is right?
  A. The Beatles admired Elvis Presley deeply.
  B. The Beatles succeeded because of their different trials and their creativity.
  C. Due to their tiredness, the Beatles canceled many concerts.
  D. The Beatles broke up because they couldn’t bear fans’interruption.
  2. What’s the right order of following events about the Monkees?
  ① They produced their own records.
  ② They won fans and the fans formed clubs.
  ③ They played and sang songs of the Beatles.
  ④They became more serious about their work.
  A.③④①② B.③②④①
  C.①③④② D.①②③④
  3. As for the Eagles’ song California Hotel, which saying of the following is wrong?
  A. It is a metaphor.
  B. It is the best song of the band.
  C. It covers many topics.
  D. It is released in 1972.
  参考答案:B B D
在乡村初中努力学习了三年之后,我考入了市里的一所寄宿制高中,从此过上了往返于教室、食堂和宿舍三点一线的学习生活。平时上了一周的课很疲惫,想趁周末回家的时候好好调整,可迎接我的却总是父母无休止的争吵和冷战。  在家里,我很难不受他们的影响。我试着劝说他们停止争吵和冷战,结果却适得其反,他们吵得更厉害。我因此变得孤僻和沉默,上课也无法集中注意力,不思进取的我每天做得最多的一件事就是一个人去球场打篮球发
你知道如何处理人际关系吗?你知道如何缓解备考压力吗?你的问题,我来解答!本栏目特别邀请心理老师和专家来解答同学们在学习和生活中遇到的心理困惑,欢迎大家来信咨询!  本期特邀嘉宾:赵千秋,毕业于陕西师范大学心理学院,现任职于陕西师范大学附属中学,从事中学心理健康教育工作。  在成长的路上,追求速度能让旅程拥有激情,但只有把握方向才能让旅程拥有无与伦比的精彩。  陕西/李晓萌:  我很苦恼,我的脾气一
面对生活中形形色色的干扰,我们只需要遵从自己内心最真实的声音即可,因为它知道我们最想成为怎样的人。  《海蒂和爷爷》:身之所往,心之所向  主人公海蒂自幼失去双亲,被寄养在姨妈家,而姨妈一直想甩脱这个“大包袱”,便把她交给独居在阿尔卑斯山上的爷爷抚养。爷爷性格孤僻,对这个突然冒出来的孙女极为排斥。  村民对爷爷怀有偏见,因听说他“杀过人”而对其避之不及,但海蒂却感觉爷爷并没有那么冷漠。她问爷爷传言
打从我记事起,姥姥就是一个驼背的老太太。可据母亲说,姥姥年轻的时候,那可是村里的一枝花——高高的个头,扎着两条粗黑油亮的麻花辫,两只漂亮的大眼睛水灵灵的。可惜劳碌了一辈子的她,不知从什么时候开始,就再也直不起背了。  说姥姥是劳碌命这话一点都不假,白天黑夜,家里家外,不见她有一刻是闲着的:洗衣做饭,打扫卫生,喂鸡喂鹅,种瓜种菜,浇水施肥,哪一样也少不了她。只有在冬天才少见姥姥忙碌的身影——庄稼要休
午后,我漫步在小巷里,忽然听到从某处传来熟悉的歌声:“当完成了童年理想/童年又成了理想……”这句歌词唤醒了我沉睡的童年记忆。  读小学的时候,我特别想买一支英雄牌钢笔,因为我的同桌就有一支,用它写出来的字很好看。但是,买一支英雄牌钢笔要花100多元钱,妈妈不愿意给我买。  那怎么办呢?暑假的时光很长,我决定自己想办法赚钱。由于当时年龄小,还不能打工,我就只好捡空瓶子去卖,一个瓶子才值几分钱,我需要
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2019年高考的硝烟已经弥漫,冲锋的号角已经吹响。一百天,对懒惰者与懦弱者來说也许是灾难,但对勤奋者与勇敢者来说则是机遇。  在这短短的一百天里,我们该如何迎战高考?  本期特别策划将为同学们百日冲刺加油呐喊。让我们扬起自信的帆,亮出勇者的剑,向着理想和目标前进!  高考,我们来了!
议论文强调通过分析事物的性质,揭示事物的本质、规律,来提高人们的认识,这一特点决定了议论成为议论文最主要的表达方式。那么,这是不是意味着记叙在议论文中无足轻重?其实不然,对议论文来说,记叙也必不可少。因为议论文或需要交代背景,或需要用事实作为论据,写作时必须立足于社会的具体现象、事实、问题,这便需要通过记叙来完成。因而,记叙便成了议论文必要的一种表达方式。  【案例】英国有一个普通的家庭,家中有个
自习室的灯光亮得有点刺眼,我活动活动酸痛的脖颈儿,不经意往窗外一看,两个穿着校服的高中生映入我的眼帘。思绪如秋叶飞舞,我不禁回想起自己已经远去的高中岁月。  在那些试卷满天飞的日子里,我如臧克家诗中的老马一样:“总得叫大车装个够, 他横竖不说一句话, 背上的压力往肉里扣,他把头沉重地垂下……”我的精力仿佛怎么耗也耗不完,我总觉得试卷怎么写也写不够。我整日倔强地把头埋入卷子中,因为只有在刷题的时候,
在整个苍穹下、亿万颗星辰间,我们显得多么渺小,可是,渺小的我们,却能看见浩瀚的整个苍穹。  ——《那片星空那片海》  你我都明白,这从来就不是公平的世界。人们起点不同,路径不同,乃至遭遇不同,命运不同。有人认命,有人顺命,有人抗命,有人玩命,希望和失望交错而生,倏尔一生。  ——大冰  人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。有时,我可能脆弱得听到一句话就泪流满面,有时,我也发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。 