In this paper, we demonstrate a scheme to tailor both longitudinal and transverse modes inside a laser cavity and constitute an eye-safe single longitudinal mode
【机 构】
In this paper, we demonstrate a scheme to tailor both longitudinal and transverse modes inside a laser cavity and constitute an eye-safe single longitudinal mode (Er:YAG) vector laser. A -plate is employed as a spin-orbital conversion element to modulate the transverse mode and obtain cylindrical vector beams. An optical isolator is employed as a non-reciprocal element for the ring cavity to enforce unidirectional operation and achieve single longitudinal oscillation. The characteristics of power, transverse intensity, and polarization spectrum of the output beams are observed. The observed typical single longitudinal mode and highly matched special polarizations prove the successful tailoring of both longitudinal and transverse modes.
Pure zinc blende structure GaAs/AlGaAs axial heterostructure nanowires (NWs) are grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition on GaAs(111) B substrates using Au-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. Al adatom enhances the influence of diameters on N
采用同轴送粉激光熔覆技术在Ti811表面制备了CeO2质量分数分别为0,1%,3%的TC4 Ni45 CeO2多道搭接激光熔覆层。采用X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜和能谱仪分析了熔覆层的微观组织和物相,利用显微硬度计、摩擦磨损试验机和白光轮廓仪测试分析了熔覆层的显微硬度和摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:熔覆层中的物相包括TiC、TiB2、TiB、Ti2Ni和α-Ti;随着CeO2加入量增加,熔覆层中的物相未发生改变;当CeO2添加量为0时,熔覆层内部组织粗大,显微硬度为590~640 HV,磨损机制主要为磨粒磨损和黏着磨
测量了Cr:Nd:GSGG晶体从-70 ℃到 80 ℃温度下的荧光发射光谱和荧光寿命,计算了该晶体在不同温度下1.061 μm受激发射截面,获得在此温度变化范围内受激发射截面随温度的线性变化关系。
为适应包括变系数方程在内的非线性发展方程求解的需要,试图探求辅助方程的多样化和解的形式的更为一般化,对王明亮提出的(G′/G)- 展开法进行了更有意义的推广。为验证此推广的有效性,将它应用到常系数变形Boussinesq方程组II 中,取得了多组精确行波解。 实践证明此推广具有很好的适用性。
The approximative formula for the far-field diffraction of a Gaussian beam through a circular aperture is obtained by using the superposition of Gaussian beams instead of the aperture function, and the explicit expression for calculating the beam divergen